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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Abu Bakr dies after collapsing at home


1247 days ago
Jammat Al Muslimeen leader Iman Yasin Abu Bakr at his office Mucurapo Road, Mucurapo.

Jammat Al Muslimeen leader Iman Yasin Abu Bakr at his office Mucurapo Road, Mucurapo.

Nicole Drayton

Leader of the Ja­maat Al Mus­limeen, Imam Yasin Abu Bakr, has died.

Bakr passed away at the St. James in­fir­mary just af­ter 9 pm last night af­ter be­ing rushed there hav­ing col­lapsed at home.

Bakr, who led an at­tempt­ed coup d’état in Trinidad and To­ba­go in 1990, turned 80 on Tues­day.

Yes­ter­day al­so marked the one year an­niver­sary of his wife’s death.

His son, Fuad Abu Bakr post­ed on his Face­book page at 9:42 pm, “To Al­lah we be­long and to him is our even­tu­al re­turn. AL­LAHU AK­BAR.”

On Ju­ly 27, 1990, Bakr, who was born Lennox Phillip, led 100 fol­low­ers to storm the Par­lia­ment and took then Prime Min­is­ter Arthur NR Robin­son and oth­er Par­lia­men­tar­i­ans hostage.

They sur­ren­dered to po­lice six days lat­er and were charged with trea­son, but were or­dered re­leased two years lat­er by the Court of Ap­peal. The Privy Coun­cil lat­er in­val­i­dat­ed an Amnesty that was giv­en to them be­fore their ar­rest, but they were not re­ar­rest­ed.

Twen­ty four peo­ple were killed and many more were in­jured in the coup.

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