Alleyne discharged from Caura hospital, then warded again - Trinidad Guardian Trinidad and Tobago Guardian Online

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Alleyne discharged from Caura hospital, then warded again


1708 days ago
Crime Watch host Ian Alleyne during a live Facebook broadcast from the Caura Hospital moments after he was discharged.

Crime Watch host Ian Alleyne during a live Facebook broadcast from the Caura Hospital moments after he was discharged.


Tele­vi­sion per­son­al­i­ty Ian Al­leyne was yes­ter­day dis­charged from the Cau­ra hos­pi­tal where he was re­cov­er­ing from COVID-19, but be­fore he left, he was read­mit­ted to the hos­pi­tal.

Al­leyne was re­leased from the hos­pi­tal af­ter be­ing in­formed that he had test­ed neg­a­tive for the virus, twice over the past few days.

His re­lease came al­most im­me­di­ate­ly af­ter at­tor­ney Ger­ald Ramdeen wrote to Chief Med­ical Of­fi­cer (CMO) Dr Roshan Paras­ram re­quest­ing in­for­ma­tion on why his client re­mained in quar­an­tine even af­ter qual­i­fy­ing for dis­charge, based on cri­te­ria set by the Min­istry of Health.

A dis­grun­tled Al­leyne took to his Face­book ac­count for a live broad­cast and showed all view­ers the ward he was kept in.

He even showed the bath­room and toi­let area and kept say­ing that he was there "alone."

Al­leyne al­leged that he strong­ly be­lieved that his test re­sults were com­pro­mised while there and kept say­ing that he showed no symp­toms and that no mem­ber of his im­me­di­ate fam­i­ly and Crime Watch staff test­ed pos­i­tive for COVID-19.

He threat­ened to tell all about his ex­pe­ri­ence in the next few days to come when he promised to re­sume his talk show as ear­ly as next week.

He then lashed out on the Min­is­ter of Health Ter­rence Deyals­ingh and Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley for his lengthy stay at the hos­pi­tal.

How­ev­er, al­though he was giv­en dis­charge pa­pers, he was then told that he could not leave un­til Wednes­day morn­ing.

He added that no log­i­cal ex­pla­na­tion was giv­en to him but al­leged that the or­ders came from the Health Min­is­ter him­self.

Al­leyne con­test­ed why his re­sults were nev­er giv­en to him in writ­ing and claimed that the re­sults are al­ways giv­en ver­bal­ly and why this was so.

Al­leyne is ex­pect­ed to leave the hos­pi­tal at 10 am to­day.

Ac­cord­ing to re­ports, Al­leyne re­quest­ed a test at the Er­ic Williams Med­ical Sci­ences Com­plex in Mt Hope on March 23 af­ter suf­fer­ing from “mild flu-like” symp­toms up­on re­turn­ing from a short fam­i­ly va­ca­tion in Mi­a­mi, Flori­da, one week ear­li­er.

In a se­ries of videos post­ed on so­cial me­dia be­fore he was tak­en away by pub­lic health of­fi­cials for treat­ment, Al­leyne re­vealed that he had con­tract­ed the virus and ad­mit­ted that he had not self-quar­an­tined or prac­tised so­cial dis­tanc­ing since his re­turn to the coun­try, as re­peat­ed­ly ad­vised by the min­istry.

Al­leyne’s rev­e­la­tion caused pan­ic es­pe­cial­ly amongst his staff and me­dia col­leagues, who would have in­ter­act­ed with him be­fore be­ing in­formed that he had test­ed pos­i­tive.

In his let­ter, which threat­ened le­gal ac­tion which has now es­sen­tial­ly been ren­dered aca­d­e­m­ic based on Al­leyne’s sub­se­quent re­lease, Ramdeen claimed that af­ter his client’s ini­tial di­ag­no­sis, he was test­ed again on March 19 but was in­formed that the test was com­pro­mised.

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