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Friday, February 28, 2025

Another Facebook ad leads to robbery


Chester Sambrano
37 days ago


Chester Sam­bra­no

For the sec­ond time in as many weeks, ban­dits have used an ad­ver­tise­ment on Face­book to lure their vic­tims in­to a rob­bery.

Po­lice said three men, all from South Trinidad went to the East­ern Main Road, Mor­vant, at around 11.30 am on Mon­day to meet a man who claimed to have a Nis­san Ti­i­da for sale.

On reach­ing the area, how­ev­er, the vic­tims were con­tact­ed by the "ven­dor" via cell­phone, who asked them to meet him at Up­per Ninth Av­enue, Barataria in­stead.

The vic­tims drove to the area when they were con­front­ed by two gun­men, who or­dered them to come out of their car. The three men were made to lie on the street face down, as one of the men was pis­tol-whipped.

The ban­dits stole TT$31,000, US $2,500 and the men's cell­phones, be­fore run­ning away. Of­fi­cers of the Barataria CID were called in and are con­tin­u­ing en­quiries.

Last Wednes­day, two men and a woman were robbed af­ter re­spond­ing to the Face­book ad­ver­tise­ment for a Nis­san Ti­i­da for sale. The vic­tims were lured to the La­dy Young Road, Mor­vant when they were con­front­ed by two armed ban­dits.

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