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Monday, February 24, 2025

Body found at Windsor Park


1434 days ago
Members of the search party who help in the recovery of Kurty Phillip’s body on Monday 22 March 2021.

Members of the search party who help in the recovery of Kurty Phillip’s body on Monday 22 March 2021.



Af­ter sev­er­al hours of search­ing, divers have found the body of Kur­ty Phillip of Cal­i­for­nia who drowned while swim­ming in a pond at the Wind­sor Park quar­ry on Sun­day.

The body was fished out of the pond around 7 am on Mon­day by divers from the Hunters Search and Res­cue Team Hard­grounds.

Hard­grounds founder Ren Gopiesingh said around 11:30 pm, they re­ceived a call for help.

"We went to the spot at 6 am and be­gan search­ing. We spot­ted the body about 25 feet be­low the sur­face of the pond, and we con­tact­ed the Cou­va po­lice who ad­vised us to stand down. The Coast Guard, Army and po­lice came, and they brought the body up. It is still there wait­ing to be viewed by the Dis­trict Med­ical Of­fi­cer," Gopiesingh said.

Guardian Me­dia un­der­stands Phillip came to the quar­ry with a group of friends and got in­to some dif­fi­cul­ty. One of the friends tried to help him but could not. Phillip dis­ap­peared in the murky wa­ter.

A call was made for help, but the search had to be aban­doned as dark­ness fell.

Guardian Me­dia will bring you more as this sto­ry de­vel­ops.

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