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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Broken neck suspected in pensioner’s death


26 days ago

Po­lice are in­ves­ti­gat­ing the ac­ci­den­tal death of a Rousil­lac man, who was found life­less with a bro­ken neck.

Sev­en­ty-four-year-old Michael “Kan­gal” De Las, of Boodoos­ingh Lane, was known by res­i­dents to be an ex­ces­sive al­co­hol drinker and suf­fered from a men­tal dis­or­der. He had al­so sur­vived a heart at­tack just three months ago.

Po­lice re­ports stat­ed that De Las left his home around 10 am on Wednes­day to trav­el to Point Fortin. Lat­er that evening, around 7.50 pm, a neigh­bour spot­ted him walk­ing un­steadi­ly along Boodoos­ingh Lane to­wards his house. The neigh­bour, fa­mil­iar with De Las’ fre­quent be­hav­iour, ini­tial­ly thought noth­ing of it. How­ev­er, as he watched, De Las sud­den­ly swayed to the side of the road, lost his foot­ing, and col­lapsed.

The neigh­bour told po­lice, he rushed to check on De Las and found him ly­ing mo­tion­less, his head rest­ing against a con­crete drain. He con­tact­ed the Emer­gency Health Ser­vice and the E999 po­lice hot­line.

Cpl Ram­nar­ine and PC Ja­cob ar­rived at the scene, along with para­medics who said De Las showed no signs of life.

While the DMO sus­pect­ed that the pen­sion­er died as a re­sult of a bro­ken neck, po­lice are wait­ing for an au­top­sy to de­ter­mine the ex­act cause of death.

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