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Friday, March 14, 2025

Calls for justice at motorcade for Ashanti


1553 days ago

Mem­bers of the San Juan com­mu­ni­ty turned out to sup­port griev­ing fam­i­ly and friends of mur­dered teenag­er Ashan­ti Ri­ley in a mo­tor­cade held in her mem­o­ry yes­ter­day. The Jus­tice for Ashan­ti mo­tor­cade went from the fam­i­ly’s home at Lloyd Street, Sun­shine Av­enue, San Juan, to Wood­ford Square, Port-of-Spain.

The teen’s moth­er, Can­dice Ri­ley, strug­gled to find the words to de­scribe how she and her fam­i­ly have been af­fect­ed by the bru­tal mur­der of the 18-year-old but ex­pressed hope that the fam­i­ly would get clo­sure as they pre­pare or the teen’s fu­ner­al to­mor­row.

“It very, very hard. No words can ex­press how I cop­ing,” she told re­porters.

Ri­ley said the fam­i­ly has been strug­gling to come to terms with Ashan­ti’s death. They had been liv­ing in Sun­shine Av­enue, San Juan, for just two months when Ashan­ti went miss­ing af­ter get­ting in­to a PH taxi near her home.

Ri­ley ex­pressed re­gret that the fam­i­ly was com­plete­ly un­aware of any dan­gers in the neigh­bour­hood.

“We don’t know the per­son... we didn’t know the per­son’s back­ground,” she said of the PH dri­ver who was ar­rest­ed short­ly af­ter Ashan­ti went miss­ing.

“All I want to see is jus­tice be done.”

She said the teen has been “a joy in the fam­i­ly, she was al­ways joy­ful.”

Ashan­ti aunt, Lisa, said the laws gov­ern­ing heinous crimes such as mur­der and rape need to be re­vis­it­ed. She said she is in sup­port of non-lethal weapons for women.

“Too many women and chil­dren are be­ing mur­dered,” she said. “You not re­al­ly see­ing any­thing about it. Fam­i­lies not hav­ing clo­sure.

She al­so added her voice to calls to reg­u­larise per­sons op­er­at­ing pri­vate cars for hire.

San Juan/Barataria MP Sad­dam Ho­sein was among those in at­ten­dance to show sol­i­dar­i­ty with the be­reaved fam­i­ly. He said Ashan­ti should not be­come an­oth­er sta­tis­tic.

An au­top­sy per­formed on the 18-year-old’s body at the Foren­sic Sci­ences Cen­tre in St James found that suf­fered sharp force in­juries to the chest and low­er ab­domen as well as blunt force trau­ma to the back of the left chest, in­di­cat­ing that she was bru­tal­ly beat­en be­fore be­ing stabbed. Sources fa­mil­iar with the in­ves­ti­ga­tion said her killers first at­tempt­ed to stran­gle her us­ing a belt but when that did not work, they used a knife to end her life.

Over the past few days, mem­bers of the Sun­shine Street, San Juan, com­mu­ni­ty have been band­ing to­geth­er to as­sist the Ri­leys. Sev­er­al of them came to­geth­er to cook food for the teenag­er’s wake at the fam­i­ly home and have been help­ing to raise funds to off­set the fu­ner­al costs.

The fam­i­ly was not told if she was sex­u­al­ly as­sault­ed be­fore she was killed.

A 32-year-old San Juan PH taxi dri­ver, who was ar­rest­ed short­ly af­ter the teen’s dis­ap­pear­ance on No­vem­ber 29, is ex­pect­ed to be charged for the mur­der. Po­lice are search­ing for an­oth­er sus­pect, a man from San Juan.

Ashan­ti will be laid to rest to­mor­row.

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