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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Calm B4 D Storm celebrates 18th anniversary


19 days ago
Farmer Nappy will be part of the cast at Calm B4 D Storm's Nostalgia on Carnival Friday.

Farmer Nappy will be part of the cast at Calm B4 D Storm's Nostalgia on Carnival Friday.

This Car­ni­val Fri­day (Feb­ru­ary 28) will mark a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone for the Calm B4 D Storm Com­mit­tee mem­bers, as they will em­bark on their 18th-an­niver­sary event un­der the theme 'Nos­tal­gia' at 10 Mary Av­enue, Diego Mar­tin, from 5 pm-11.

What be­gan as a 'Car­ni­val Fri­day' lime among friends at the home of El­don and Jack­ie Thomp­son, own­ers of the 46-year-old cater­ing com­pa­ny Pen­ny Pinch­ers Lim­it­ed, has grown from a ‘Dutch Par­ty’ or ‘Bring Yuh Bot­tle’ event to a sta­ple in the Car­ni­val sea­son.

Speak­ing about this year's event, com­mit­tee mem­ber Jenelle Thomp­son said they are al­ways work­ing hard at strik­ing the per­fect bal­ance.

She said, "It is al­so im­por­tant to us, hav­ing been brand­ed ‘The All-In­clu­sive Food Fete’ by our pa­trons, to al­ways use the fresh­est lo­cal­ly sourced pro­duce to cre­ate the stand­out dish­es they’ve come to look for­ward to."

Thomp­son said the goal in their 18th year is to take the pa­trons down mem­o­ry lane.

"We are go­ing to re­vis­it the most mem­o­rable foods and ex­pe­ri­ences over the past 17 years, some­what of a high­light reel, and still find space to add in some new things," she said.

Ex­plain­ing the theme fur­ther, Thomp­son said, "It's cel­e­bra­tion of our cul­ture, our food and good Tri­ni hos­pi­tal­i­ty.

"So if you’re look­ing for an ex­clu­sive all-in­clu­sive, where pa­tron ex­pe­ri­ence is pri­or­i­ty, where you can taste a leg­endary Tri­ni sweet hand, and where every­one feels like friends and fam­i­ly, look no fur­ther! Calm B4 D Storm is the on­ly choice."

This year's line-up in­cludes Olatun­ji, GBM Nu­tron and Farmer Nap­py. The dy­nam­ic per­cus­sion duo of Rhys Thomp­son and Mod­upe Onilu and the La Famille Unit­ed Steel Or­ches­tra will al­so pro­vide en­ter­tain­ment.

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