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Monday, February 17, 2025

Car sale ends in robbery as bandits steal cash and glasses


Shane Superville
32 days ago

Shane Su­perville 

Three peo­ple were robbed at gun­point in Mor­vant on Wednes­day af­ter­noon af­ter re­spond­ing to a Face­book ad­ver­tise­ment for a car. The group, con­sist­ing of two men and a woman, drove to La­dy Young Road, Mor­vant, around 1 pm to meet a man who claimed to be sell­ing a Nis­san Ti­i­da.

While they wait­ed, two armed men ap­proached and de­mand­ed mon­ey. One of the vic­tims de­nied hav­ing cash, but the ban­dits searched the car and found $31,500. They al­so stole the woman’s spec­ta­cles and bank card be­fore flee­ing the scene.

Mor­vant po­lice are in­ves­ti­gat­ing the in­ci­dent.

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