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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Caribbean Airlines increases inter-island flights


1287 days ago
Caribbean Airlines. Image courtesy CAL

Caribbean Airlines. Image courtesy CAL

From to­day, Caribbean Air­lines will in­crease the flight fre­quen­cy on the do­mes­tic air bridge be­tween Trinidad and To­ba­go to four dai­ly re­turn ser­vices.

The an­nounce­ment came yes­ter­day via a state­ment from the air­line.

The move comes days af­ter Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley re­vealed at a me­dia con­fer­ence that pas­sen­gers ac­cess­ing do­mes­tic trav­el will see more av­enues to trav­el be­tween the is­lands, with added flights and in­creased ca­pac­i­ty on the fer­ries.

Busi­ness groups, in­clud­ing the To­ba­go Cham­ber and even hote­liers, had com­plained that the ac­tiv­i­ty To­ba­go usu­al­ly sees dur­ing the Ju­ly/Au­gust va­ca­tion was se­vere­ly im­pact­ed due to a de­crease in trav­el be­tween Trinidad and To­ba­go be­cause of mea­sures tak­en to cur­tail the spread of COVID-19. On­ly es­sen­tial trav­el was al­lowed.

Mean­while, CAL said it will up­date the pub­lic should there be fur­ther in­creas­es go­ing for­ward. The air­line has al­so rec­om­mend­ed that peo­ple trav­el on the do­mes­tic air bridge for es­sen­tial pur­pos­es on­ly. It has al­so thanked its cus­tomers for their un­der­stand­ing and sup­port as “we work to­geth­er to re­duce the spread of COVID-19.”

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