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Sunday, March 16, 2025

CDA officially takes control of Military Museum


Jensen La Vende
12 days ago
Leader of NTA Gary Griffith stands outside the Military Museum in Chaguaramas after the CDA locked the gate to the compound yesterday.

Leader of NTA Gary Griffith stands outside the Military Museum in Chaguaramas after the CDA locked the gate to the compound yesterday.



Al­most a week af­ter the Ch­aguara­mas De­vel­op­ment Au­thor­i­ty (CDA) sent an evic­tion no­tice to the Mil­i­tary Mu­se­um, of­fi­cials locked the cu­ra­tor out of the premis­es on J’Ou­vert morn­ing. 

Speak­ing with Guardian Me­dia out­side the mu­se­um yes­ter­day, the di­rec­tor of the Mil­i­tary His­to­ry and Avi­a­tion Mu­se­um, Lin­da Kelshall said that some­time just af­ter 6 am she was alert­ed to the ac­tions of the CDA. 

In a let­ter dat­ed Oc­to­ber 1, 2024, the CDA with­drew its 30-year lease, which Kelshall said places the mu­se­um and its more than 500 years of his­to­ry in jeop­ardy. 

“When I come, I saw the gate locked and a CDA man was right there. I asked him, I said I’m not well. I came home re­al­ly to take it and he didn’t let me in,” the di­a­bet­ic and hy­per­ten­sive pa­tient said. 

She added that the evic­tion let­ter which gave the mu­se­um up to last Fri­day to va­cate was chal­lenged by their at­tor­neys, but the CDA has yet to re­spond to the let­ter.  

The CDA said it made sev­er­al at­tempts to reg­u­larise the mu­se­um as a lessee, but in the last four years did not re­ceive a sub­stan­tive re­sponse from the pro­pri­etors who con­tin­ue to op­er­ate on the land with­out pay­ing rent. 

Kelshall, who lives on the com­pound, was on Ari­api­ta Av­enue sell­ing drinks in an ef­fort to raise funds for the mu­se­um when the CDA locked her out of her home. She planned to stay with rel­a­tives last night as CDA of­fi­cials re­fused her en­try to col­lect her med­ica­tion and feed her pets. 

When Guardian Me­dia ar­rived a CDA of­fi­cial was locked in the com­pound while two oth­ers were out­side. 

Join­ing Kelshall was for­mer reg­i­ment cap­tain, na­tion­al se­cu­ri­ty ad­vi­sor and min­is­ter and com­mis­sion­er of po­lice Gary Grif­fith.

Tak­ing time out from play­ing mas for what he said was a more im­por­tant is­sue, Grif­fith ac­cused the CDA of mov­ing high­hand­ed­ly and called on the MP for the area and Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley to in­ter­vene. 

“This is to­tal­ly un­ac­cept­able. Me be­ing in the mil­i­tary, I was a mil­i­tary of­fi­cer for 17 years and what I am see­ing here is to­tal­ly un­ac­cept­able. It is a slap in the face to all per­sons who have been in the mil­i­tary, to per­sons whose fam­i­ly have been in the mil­i­tary.” 

Grif­fith added that the mu­se­um is “ar­guably one of the most sig­nif­i­cant mil­i­tary mu­se­ums in the Amer­i­c­as.” 

“This has his­to­ry dat­ing back past World War I. So we are speak­ing about his­to­ry that is go­ing back to over 120 odd years of things that in­volves per­sons whose fam­i­lies would have ded­i­cat­ed their lives and made the ul­ti­mate sac­ri­fice for their coun­try, not just in Trinidad and To­ba­go, but through­out the Caribbean and the type of his­tor­i­cal arte­facts that we have here, and the CDA with the au­dac­i­ty, the ar­ro­gance and the high hand­ed­ness to just shut it down.” 

Grif­fith said the en­tire in­ci­dent could have been avoid­ed with di­a­logue be­tween both par­ties as the arte­facts at the mu­se­um are ir­re­place­able. 

“There is noth­ing, noth­ing in the West­ern Penin­su­la more sig­nif­i­cant than this mil­i­tary mu­se­um. Not Five Is­lands, not amuse­ment parks, but the his­tor­i­cal sig­nif­i­cance here. And the CDA, they so want to get that land grab, that re­al es­tate that is so sig­nif­i­cant, they have de­cid­ed to kick them out. What I think is al­so ap­palling is the fact that this la­dy, she’s not as young as me, and she has se­ri­ous is­sues where she has med­ical is­sues and med­ica­tion. And to kick her out, she could have died this morn­ing.” 

In a state­ment yes­ter­day, the Ch­aguara­mas De­vel­op­ment Au­thor­i­ty said it had tak­en pos­ses­sion of the premis­es pre­vi­ous­ly oc­cu­pied by the Ch­aguara­mas Mil­i­tary His­to­ry and Aero­space Mu­se­um.

It said, “It is re­gret­table that such ac­tion was nec­es­sary.  The man­age­ment of the Mu­se­um was of­fered nu­mer­ous op­por­tu­ni­ties over the years to reg­u­larise their oc­cu­pa­tion and stout­ly re­fused to do so.

“The ex­er­cise was con­duct­ed in a peace­able man­ner in ac­cor­dance with the Laws of the Re­pub­lic of Trinidad and To­ba­go.”

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