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Monday, February 24, 2025

Chaguanas market vendors demand more space


1794 days ago
Angry Chaguanas Market vendors during yesterday’s protest at the facility.

Angry Chaguanas Market vendors during yesterday’s protest at the facility.

Shastri Boodan

Around 15 ven­dors op­er­at­ing at the Ch­agua­nas Mar­ket are de­mand­ing space in­side the fa­cil­i­ty to con­duct busi­ness. The mar­ket re­opened Fri­day fol­low­ing a three-day clo­sure to sani­tise the fa­cil­i­ty.

Un­der the new op­er­a­tions, ven­dors are de­barred from sell­ing on the cor­ri­dors and oc­cu­py­ing spaces that can cre­ate cramped con­di­tions that would make it eas­i­er for the COVID-19 virus to spread.

Irate ven­dors told Guardian Me­dia that they too have to earn a liv­ing and were be­ing treat­ed un­fair­ly.

Guardian learned that some ven­dors were re­fus­ing stalls and pre­ferred to sell on the cor­ri­dors.

Fresh pro­duce ven­dor Har­daye Ner­a­jan said she has been sell­ing at the fa­cil­i­ty for the last 20 years in the same spot.

“When this mar­ket was built it didn’t have suf­fi­cient stalls for every­body and cer­tain places on the lay-by the mar­ket clerk as­signed to peo­ple over the years they have al­ways tried to move us and sit­u­a­tion come back to where it was be­fore. The last may­or (Gopaul Bood­han) tried to move us again, no place for us. He said he would have marked out the place for us to sell in an or­der­ly fash­ion. He didn’t do it be­cause at the time he said the work­ers was strik­ing at the bor­ough. We un­der­stand this pan­dem­ic, we see­ing all over the world what is tak­ing place, peo­ple are dy­ing, dis­ease is spread­ing. We are will­ing to co­op­er­ate in the bor­ough to see that this pan­dem­ic doesn’t spread in the Cen­tral area. But at the same time we are farm­ers, we are food pro­duc­ers we need an in­come.”

Ner­an­jan al­so knocked the Min­is­ter of Agri­cul­ture Clarence Ramb­harat for not get­ting any re­lief for farm­ers. She said in­cen­tives are be­ing an­nounced for ho­tels while farm­ers are be­ing left in the dark.

Oth­er ven­dors sell­ing dou­bles and In­di­an sweets com­plained that they should not have been re­lo­cat­ed to an area that was once used to sell fresh crabs and meat. Fresh beef Ven­dor Ash­ton Ali said the sys­tem was work­ing all right for cus­tomers but some ven­dors were dis­placed. Ali said they meat ven­dors were hap­py that the bor­ough fixed the chiller a few months ago and are de­sirous of hav­ing the abat­toir re-opened.

Con­sumers were hap­py for the free space. Joey Mc Mil­lian said he felt com­fort­able shop­ping in the mar­ket since the area no longer has too much-cramped spaces where cus­tomers have to make phys­i­cal con­tact.

May­or Van­dana Mo­hit said by Mon­day all ven­dors should have a space to op­er­ate. Mo­hit said some ven­dors have got­ten a stall but are still de­mand­ing to ped­dle their goods from the cor­ri­dor. Mo­hit con­firmed that 15 per­sons have been dis­placed. She said a num­ber of street ven­dors al­so stormed the mar­ket in a ditch to grab a spot at the mar­ket. Mo­hit said the moves were made to pro­tect the cit­i­zens of Ch­agua­nas. She said many are un­aware of the se­ri­ous­ness of the Covid 19 dis­ease and its im­pli­ca­tions.

Mo­hit said, “These are my peo­ple I would not leave them strand­ed.”

Mo­hit said per­sons sell­ing dou­bles would be re­lo­cat­ed to their old area.

“At this point are faced with a pan­dem­ic. We have had a sec­ond death re­port­ed in T&T and we need to take pre­cau­tion­ary mea­sures.”

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