Opposition MP Rodney Charles has called on the Prime Minister not to embarrass the country with his stance with regard to the BBC documentary "The Displaced"
In a statement on Tuesday, Charles said, "Do not embarrass us - a UK PM cannot tell the BBC what to report and how it is done.
He said, "Clearly Rowley does not understand that neither Boris Johnson, nor anyone else in the UK Cabinet, can admonish the BBC on the basis of not liking what is being reported. Freedom of the press in most serious countries does not work that way.
It is not like the many Boards in T&T, including TTT, where the Cabinet appoints the Board and can issue instructions on pain of being fired if they refuse, as allegedly occurred with Espinet, Denise Demming, our Miss Universe and others."
The Naparima MP pointed out that the BBC was not state funded, but rather relied on a yearly license fee paid by UK citizens.
"The BBC does not allow advertising and therefore cannot be dictated to by businesses. The UK is not a dictatorship. The BBC is globally known for its independence and is protected from political interference. Firstly BBC has a high and widely diffused regard for its past traditions including that of independence and records of public service excellence," said Charles.