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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Chinese Society members proud Stuart Young is PM-designate


24 days ago
Energy and Energy Industry Minister Stuart Young

Energy and Energy Industry Minister Stuart Young


En­er­gy Min­is­ter Stu­art Young's po­ten­tial as­cen­sion to the role of Prime Min­is­ter is be­ing met with im­mense pride by mem­bers of the Chi­nese So­ci­ety.

At this year's Chi­nese Spring Fes­ti­val Fair, Young's des­ig­na­tion to the role by the Par­lia­men­tary Cau­cus was de­scribed as an his­toric event.

“I want to take this op­por­tu­ni­ty to recog­nise the his­toric achieve­ment of a mem­ber of our com­mu­ni­ty with Chi­nese her­itage. I re­fer to the Ho­n­ourable Stu­art Young SC, who will be our next Prime Min­is­ter,” said Charles Cheng, pres­i­dent of the Chi­nese So­ci­ety.

De­spite Min­is­ter Young not be­ing present at the event which was held at The An­chor­age in Ch­aguara­mas, Chi­nese So­ci­ety pres­i­dent took time to wish him all these best in his fu­ture role.

“Min­is­ter Young quite right­ly refers to him­self as a Trin­bag­on­ian,” Cheng point­ed out.  “He is of Chi­nese her­itage and we the Chi­nese com­mu­ni­ty are very proud of him. We wish him all the best as he takes Trinidad and To­ba­go for­ward.”

Mean­while, For­eign & Cari­com Af­fairs Min­is­ter Dr Amery Browne ex­pressed grat­i­tude to the peo­ple of the Peo­ple’s Re­pub­lic of Chi­na, not­ing that the con­struc­tion of the ANR Robin­son air­port in To­ba­go is an ex­am­ple of the strong diplo­mat­ic and bi­lat­er­al ties be­tween the two coun­tries.

“We de­pend on the ex­cel­lence of our re­la­tions with im­por­tant part­ners such as the Peo­ple's Re­pub­lic of Chi­na. Long may it live,” said Min­is­ter Browne.

The For­eign Min­is­ter al­so an­nounced that Chi­nese en­ter­tain­ment pro­gram­ming will soon be aired on lo­cal tele­vi­sion, as both coun­tries con­tin­ue to deep­en their con­nec­tions.

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