Chutney singer Ramrajee Prabhoo has joined the PNM.
Prabhoo was spotted sitting in the front row on Tuesday night at the PNM’s meetingat Signature Hall, Chaguanas.
Prabhoo arrived around 6.30 pm anxious to hear what Prime Minister Keith Rowley had to tell supporters.
However, the ushers moved her before the meeting started to a seat much further back.
Prabhoo said she is hoping to go for a seat on the Couva/TabaquiteTalparo Regional Corporation in the upcoming Local Government Elections.
Prabhoo had gone went before the UNC screening committee hoping to get picked for the 2010 General Election for the Caroni Central seat.
However, she was blanked and the seat given to Dr Bhoe Tewari, a former COP MP.
Prabhoo, who lives at Palmiste Village, Longdenville, said, “I am interested in being a councillor for the area, I know that Dr Rowley means good and for the people of my village, my constituency. I hope that Dr Rowley selects me to be a councillor for Caroni Central.”
Prabhoo said her move is not “really a switch” from one party to the nextbut rather “who is working and who is interested in the lives of citixens, to better the lives of citizens.”
Prabhoo said she believes that Rowley is a nice person who has to be respected by everyone. Prabhoo said she was impressed with Rowley’s attempt to curb corruption. Prabhoo said corruption hits poor nationals the hardest.