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Friday, March 14, 2025

COP26 outcomes not nearly enough to protect health, says Global Climate and Health Alliance


1215 days ago
Dr Jeni Miller, executive director of the Global Climate and Health Alliance, speaking at the Global Conference on Health and Climate Change in Glasgow during COP26. (Image courtesy Global Climate and Health Alliance / Photo by Paul Chappells)

Dr Jeni Miller, executive director of the Global Climate and Health Alliance, speaking at the Global Conference on Health and Climate Change in Glasgow during COP26. (Image courtesy Global Climate and Health Alliance / Photo by Paul Chappells)


GLAS­GOW, 13 Nov, 2021 — Re­spond­ing to the out­comes of COP26 in Glas­gow, Dr Jeni Miller, Ex­ec­u­tive Di­rec­tor of the Glob­al Cli­mate and Health Al­liance, said:

“The health com­mu­ni­ty came to COP26 with clear de­mands from 46 mil­lion health work­ers on is­sues crit­i­cal to pro­tect­ing peo­ple’s health and so­cial eq­ui­ty—yet COP26 has de­liv­ered on just a few of them."

“Where progress was made it was in­cre­men­tal, when what was re­quired was a great bound for­ward by gov­ern­ments. Peo­ple’s health and lives re­main griev­ous­ly in harm's way from cli­mate change - and the clock is still tick­ing to achieve the 1.5C tar­get. Com­ing out of this COP, gov­ern­ments can­not as­sume that they can now rest—they must in­stead push far be­yond what is asked of them in the Glas­gow Cli­mate Pact in or­der to achieve what is re­quired to pro­tect hu­man health from cli­mate change."

“Gov­ern­ments must fo­cus on what is need­ed for a healthy and eq­ui­table fu­ture, and to en­sure the pro­tec­tion of peo­ple’s health from the worst im­pacts of cli­mate change: they must de­liv­er on their com­mit­ments to lim­it warm­ing to 1.5C; and they must de­liv­er on the cli­mate fi­nance that re­dress­es the out­sized ben­e­fits wealthy coun­tries have en­joyed from their high car­bon economies and ad­dress­es the dev­as­tat­ing im­pacts on peo­ple’s health out­sourced around the world”.

“They must al­so act up­on and en­force the pro­tec­tion of hu­man rights, the right to health, In­dige­nous rights and in­ter­gen­er­a­tional eq­ui­ty, which are clear­ly stat­ed in the fi­nal text of COP26.”

“We wel­come the strong lan­guage with­in COP26’s Glas­gow Cli­mate Pact that re-com­mits gov­ern­ments to lim­it­ing tem­per­a­ture rise to 1.5C, in line with the most re­cent sci­ence. How­ev­er, the Glas­gow state­ment is painful­ly thin on sub­stance as to how coun­tries plan to de­liv­er this”, said Miller. “Lim­it­ing warm­ing to 1.5C is vi­tal­ly im­por­tant to pro­tect­ing peo­ple’s health—every tenth of a de­gree mat­ters when it comes to pro­tect­ing lives from dev­as­tat­ing cli­mate im­pacts."

“We al­so wel­come the re­quest for coun­tries to align their cli­mate com­mit­ments (their Na­tion­al­ly De­ter­mined Con­tri­bu­tions or “ND­Cs”) with the Paris Agree­ment tem­per­a­ture goal by the end of 2022, which will re­quire many coun­tries to sub­mit up­dat­ed ND­Cs in the com­ing twelve months.”

“While it seemed that COP26 was set to de­liv­er the cru­cial com­mit­ment of gov­ern­ments to phase out coal and end fos­sil fu­el sub­si­dies, this lan­guage was pro­gres­sive­ly whit­tled away dur­ing the draft­ing process of the Glas­gow state­ment—a shame­ful act, giv­en that air pol­lu­tion from burn­ing fos­sil fu­els kills mil­lions of peo­ple per year, with coal the worst of­fend­er”.

In the fi­nal hours of COP, In­dia, South Africa, Iran and Nige­ria ex­pressed op­po­si­tion to even the more di­lut­ed lan­guage, with the po­ten­tial at one point for the men­tion of coal to be en­tire­ly re­moved. The text fi­nal­ly adopt­ed re­ferred to a coal “phase down”, rather than coal phase out, in re­sponse to which Fi­ji ex­pressed as­ton­ish­ment and im­mense dis­ap­point­ment, not­ing that phase ‘down’ has no quan­tifi­able end point. Mean­while, Fi­ji’s own sug­ges­tions days ear­li­er, to strength­en text on loss and dam­age, were dis­missed.

“It is no­table and rep­re­hen­si­ble that even this weak lan­guage in­di­cates progress, as it is the first time the need to phase out fos­sil fu­els has ever been men­tioned in a UN­FC­CC agree­ment”

“To top it off, gov­ern­ments failed to de­liv­er the $100bn USD per year of cli­mate fi­nance that had been pre­vi­ous­ly promised by last year, and any ap­proach to com­pen­sat­ing low-in­come coun­tries for the health and oth­er im­pacts they are al­ready strug­gling with is ab­sent from the COP26 out­come doc­u­ments,” Dr Jeni Miller stat­ed.

She added: “In vul­ner­a­ble coun­tries and com­mu­ni­ties, lives are be­ing lost and peo­ple’s health is be­ing harmed, now. De­vel­oped coun­tries can­not just keep talk­ing about fi­nance for loss and dam­age and adap­ta­tion - they need to de­liv­er the nec­es­sary re­sources. This has got to be a ma­jor fo­cus of COP27, which will be host­ed by Egypt on be­half of the Africa re­gion.”


Image courtesy Global Climate and Health Alliance)

Image courtesy Global Climate and Health Alliance)

About the Glob­al Cli­mate and Health Al­liance

The Glob­al Cli­mate and Health Al­liance is the lead­ing glob­al con­venor of health pro­fes­sion­al and health civ­il so­ci­ety or­ga­ni­za­tions ad­dress­ing cli­mate change. We are a con­sor­tium of health or­gan­i­sa­tions from around the world unit­ed by a shared vi­sion of an eq­ui­table, sus­tain­able fu­ture, in which the health im­pacts of cli­mate change are min­i­mized, and the health co-ben­e­fits of cli­mate change mit­i­ga­tion are max­imised.

Find out more: http://cli­mate­and­healthal­

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