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Friday, March 14, 2025

Cops probe robberies in Maraval and St Ann’s


Anna-Lisa Paul
329 days ago

In­ves­ti­ga­tions are con­tin­u­ing in­to two rob­beries and a theft in Mar­aval and St Ann’s, in which quan­ti­ties of cash, al­co­hol, firearms and oth­er valu­ables were stolen on Wednes­day.

Around 2.50 am, a 48-year-old busi­ness­man, of Sad­dle Road, Mar­aval, was prepar­ing to leave for work when a dark-coloured SUV with blue flash­ing lights blocked his dri­ve­way. Four men from the ve­hi­cle, who were dressed in po­lice tac­ti­cal uni­forms com­plete with bul­let­proof vests and armed with shot­guns, ap­proached him shout­ing, “Po­lice.”

They or­dered him back in­to his house. His 46-year-old wife and six-year-old daugh­ter were in­side. The ban­dits robbed the fam­i­ly of a quan­ti­ty of jew­ellery worth $60,000, a firearm and 20 rounds of sil­ver hol­low point 9mm am­mu­ni­tion. They al­so took $15,000 from a clos­et and $1,000 which was hid­den in a jack­et pock­et, then hog-tied the cou­ple be­fore they fled the scene.

The cou­ple man­aged to un­tie them­selves and raised an alarm.

In the sec­ond in­ci­dent around 10.19 am at Myrtsville, Mar­aval, a 29-year-old ma­chine op­er­a­tor was con­front­ed by three ban­dits who bound him with duct tape and ran­sacked his house.

They stole US$8,000 from a bed­room draw­er along with a cell phone val­ued at $3,000 and the keys to the vic­tim’s white Nis­san Ti­i­da. The car was found aban­doned a short dis­tance away with the keys in the ig­ni­tion.

In an­oth­er in­ci­dent be­tween 11 am and noon, an el­der­ly woman, of St Ann’s Av­enue, St Ann’s, re­turned home, placed her hand­bag con­tain­ing $3,400 in cash and oth­er per­son­al items on a chair in the kitchen and went in­to an­oth­er room.

When she re­turned a short while lat­er, the woman no­ticed the bag miss­ing, along with a kitchen knife, a bot­tle of beer and a bot­tle of wine.

—An­na-Lisa Paul

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