Messages posted on the popular Blackberry and Facebook networks may have saved the life of a two-year-old girl who was abducted after her mother's SUV was stolen in Sangre Grande on Saturday night. Little Misha Lynch was reunited with her mother, Michelle, an hour after the incident, which occurred at Picton Road around 9.30 pm. The woman's Hyundai Tucson was found abandoned in a dirt track at LP 877 Damarie Hill, Guaico, Sangre Grande, 150 feet from the Eastern Main Road. The key was not in the vehicle, but, Misha who is two years and four months old, was found safe and asleep by Sangre Grande detectives. Lynch's handbag which contained cash and personal documents was also taken by the thief, police said. According to police, Lynch, 37, a primary school teacher in East Trinidad, parked her vehicle outside a friend's home at Picton Street, around 6 pm.
She went into the house to have a conversation with one of the occupants. Police said the engine was left running, as little Misha was asleep on the back seat of the vehicle. Lynch reported to police that around 9.30 pm she emerged from the house and saw a man had entered her vehicle and drove off. An alarm was raised and officers from the Sangre Grande CID, who were on patrol in the area, were notified about the theft. As police issued an all-points-bulletin for the vehicle, messages were also broadcast on Blackberry and Facebook.
"PCK 1632 Hyundai Tucson stolen from Grande about one hour ago. The vehicle has a 2-year-old child in it. Please keep your eyes open for the car," a Blackberry message read. The SUV was spotted in the Maloney district, as word on the stolen vehicle spread. Northern Division officers lost the car thief in the Mausica district. Eastern Division officers later received information and found the car abandoned at Damarie Hill. The child was taken for medical treatment at the Sangre Grande Hospital and later reunited with her mother. Detective Constable Jean-Ville of the Sangre Grande CID is investigating.