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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Three more men killed



Three men were killed in sep­a­rate in­ci­dents be­tween Sun­day night and yes­ter­day in Ari­ma and Diego Mar­tin.

The vic­tims were:

�2 John Mor­ris, 37, of Mer­cer Road, Diego Mar­tin;

�2 Dereck Vil­lafana, 23, of Tumpuna Road, Ari­ma; and.

�2 an uniden­ti­fied man in Blue Basin.

The mur­der toll stands at 283 for the year. Po­lice said Vil­lafana, of Mar­tin Trace, Ari­ma, was lim­ing with friends near his home around 9 pm when a gun­man opened fire on them. Vil­lafana was killed. Mor­ris, a "PH" dri­ver and fa­ther of four, al­so known as "John­ny Bra­vo" or "John­ny Q", was killed on Sun­day. He died on the spot af­ter he was shot sev­er­al times about the body.

A re­port said Mor­ris was lim­ing around 10 pm when he was ap­proached by three armed men. The gun­men opened fire on him and he was shot about the body. In a brief in­ter­view yes­ter­day, Mor­ris' rel­a­tives said he was a good man. Mean­while, the body of a man was dis­cov­ered yes­ter­day at Wa­ter­hole, Blue Basin. Po­lice said res­i­dents re­port­ed hear­ing sev­er­al loud ex­plo­sions around 1.20 pm. When the of­fi­cers checked the area the body was found.

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