Attorney General Anand Ramlogan says he understands the anxiety of the public for him to make a decision in the matter involving businessmen Ishwar Galbaransingh and Steve Ferguson who are now in jail. Ramlogan said, however, that he could not yield to the temptation of making a rash decision which would have the effect of reinforcing a claim for judicial review. Ramlogan was speaking to the media after the handing-over of 75 vehicles to the Police Service at the Vehicle Management Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago, Beetham Gardens, yesterday.
The AG said: "I will not be rushed. I will take my time and be guided by the legal advisers who have been hired, and dealing with this matter for the past number of years." He said High Court judge Vashist Kokaram had made a decision which bound his hands on the issue of whether he could extradite or not. "As of yesterday, (Thursday) that stay is no longer in place so I can now proceed to consider the representations made on behalf of Mr Galbaransingh and Mr Ferguson," the AG said.
"There is a process that needs to take place to ensure that it is done in fair manner and in a genuine manner." He said the head of his legal team, James Lewis, QC, needed time to give a reasoned response to the representations made. "Mr Lewis indicated to me he can't be rushed in this matter and the representations made are very detailed and he would require time to analyse those representations, to rebuff them and to respond to them," Ramlogan said.
"I understand the public's anxiety and the calls to make a firm and swift decision in this matter but it is precisely because I hold this office I cannot yield to the temptations to give in and make such a rash decision that will have the effect of reinforcing the claim for a judicial review." He said until such time, Galbaransingh and Ferguson would remain incarcerated pending his decision, thereby eliminating the possibility of them absconding. (RKR)