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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Cro Cro to pay up after court ruling; will now sing ‘jump and wave’


Innis Francis
416 days ago
Calypsonian Weston “Cro Cro” Rawlins gesticulates during his performance of the song Lick Bottom African during the Point Fortin’s Come Back Home Carnival launch at the Victor Chin Kit Promenade on Thursday. Calypsonian Weston “Cro Cro” Rawlins gesticulates during his performance of the song Lick Bottom African during the Point Fortin’s Come Back Home Carnival launch at the Victor Chin Kit Promenade on Thursday.

Calypsonian Weston “Cro Cro” Rawlins gesticulates during his performance of the song Lick Bottom African during the Point Fortin’s Come Back Home Carnival launch at the Victor Chin Kit Promenade on Thursday. Calypsonian Weston “Cro Cro” Rawlins gesticulates during his performance of the song Lick Bottom African during the Point Fortin’s Come Back Home Carnival launch at the Victor Chin Kit Promenade on Thursday.


Free­lance Cor­re­spon­dent

Vet­er­an ca­lyp­son­ian We­st­on “Cro Cro” Rawl­ins says he is pre­pared to pay dam­ages as or­dered by a judge to busi­ness­man In­shan Ish­mael. He al­so says he will now be singing “jump and wave” songs to avoid con­tro­ver­sy.

On Mon­day, the High Court found Rawl­ins de­famed Ish­mael in a 2023 song ti­tled An­oth­er Sat is Out­side Again. He was or­dered to pay $250,000 in dam­ages.

But on Thurs­day night, Rawl­ins poked fun at the le­gal predica­ment and even had a mes­sage for Ish­mael when he per­formed at Point Fortin’s Come Back Home Car­ni­val launch at the Vic­tor Chin Kit Prom­e­nade.

His reper­toire of songs in­clud­ed Lick Bot­tom African and Re­spect for the Fourth King.
How­ev­er, in his usu­al way, Rawl­ins veered off course and con­tin­ued to en­ter­tain the crowd with freestyle lyrics.

He sang: “Bun­ji pass me voosh in ah Lexus,
Ah say Cro Cro be­have, time to sing some jump and wave,
Yuh cyah stay on the crown, let Ish­mael hull he stink­ing… (leav­ing the rest for the au­di­ence to com­plete the lines) You singing longer than me,
You could hard­ly check my mon­ey,
So my fans ah telling yuh plain, me eh singing no pol­i­tics again,
Ah singing jump up, jump up, whine up, whine…”

Leav­ing the au­di­ence hyped-up and beg­ging for more, Cro Cro com­plet­ed his set.

Back­stage, Rawl­ins told Guardian Me­dia his at­tor­ney told him not to say any­thing about the mat­ter and he would not com­ment on the rul­ing.

How­ev­er, he said, “But let me hear yuh, no com­ments, no com­ments! I would pay. The big man is the big man. I have to ac­cept what hap­pened dey, so ah go deal with it. Ah cyah make no jail. Ah go pay man!”

Rawl­ins said he was al­so care­ful­ly con­sid­er­ing at­tend­ing Ca­lyp­so Fi­es­ta at Skin­ner Park, San Fer­nan­do, to­day, but he felt he would get him­self in­to trou­ble again.

Rawl­ins won the Ca­lyp­so Monarch four times in 1988, 1990, 1996 and 2007.

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