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Monday, February 17, 2025

Crowds at city centres on day 2 of Stay-at-Home order


Sharlene Rampersad
1783 days ago
One customer among many wears a face mask while waiting outside Republic Bank on Lower High Street, San Fernando, yesterday.

One customer among many wears a face mask while waiting outside Republic Bank on Lower High Street, San Fernando, yesterday.




Hun­dreds of cit­i­zens yes­ter­day seemed to dis­re­gard Gov­ern­ment’s ‘Stay-at-Home’ and so­cial dis­tanc­ing or­ders as they flocked to var­i­ous venues to con­duct ac­tiv­i­ty on day two of the dri­ve to fight of the nov­el coro­n­avirus (COVID-19).

Port-of-Spain seemed as bustling and vi­brant as any oth­er work­day as mem­bers of the pub­lic rushed to Cen­tral Bank to change their old $100 bills for new ones, to com­mer­cial banks to de­posit and change pay cheques and to the Trea­sury to col­lect cheques.

TTPost of­fices were al­so over­run by those hop­ing to col­lect their pen­sion and so­cial de­vel­op­ment grants as the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic caused sig­nif­i­cant pan­ic buy­ing at su­per­mar­kets last week and in­to the week­end, leav­ing many feel­ing that su­per­mar­ket stocks would run out.

And al­though the T&T Su­per­mar­kets’ As­so­ci­a­tion has said there are cur­rent­ly no short­ages, those out­side the TTPost St Vin­cent Street of­fice yes­ter­day were anx­ious and wor­ried.

“We just want to go in the gro­cery be­fore every­thing done,” one woman who did not want to be named said. “Just give we the cheques, let we go.”

The group of about 50 peo­ple who turned up ear­ly to con­duct busi­ness were even­tu­al­ly ad­vised by staff to dis­perse and re­turn af­ter noon, when the cheques were sup­posed to be ready for dis­tri­b­u­tion. But those in­struc­tions went un­heed­ed by most. In­stead, some of those wait­ing be­came ver­bal­ly abu­sive to­wards the staff, ac­cus­ing them of be­ing lazy and not do­ing their jobs.

“Al­lyuh had since 8 o’clock this morn­ing to sort out the cheques, peo­ple who mon­ey go­ing straight in the bank doh have to wait un­til af­ter 12,” one el­der­ly man shout­ed.

Some showed rea­son when it was not­ed they need­ed to ad­here to the so­cial dis­tanc­ing mea­sures, how­ev­er, and tried to sep­a­rate them­selves from the crowd by mov­ing to the oth­er side of the street to wait for their cheques.

At the Cen­tral Bank, those peo­ple who wait­ed un­til the fi­nal day for the ex­change of the old pa­per-based $100 bill for the new poly­mer bills were lined up in their num­bers out­side of the build­ing yes­ter­day. In fact, the line snaked around the cor­ner from the Ed­ward Street side en­trance set up for the pub­lic to In­de­pen­dence Square. Po­lice of­fi­cers even­tu­al­ly had to be dis­patched to the site to en­sure law and or­der was main­tained.

Mem­bers of the pub­lic were al­so lined up out­side in­ter­net ser­vice provider Flow’s and KFC’s In­de­pen­dence Square branch­es.

There were al­so long lines out­side banks. Al­though none of those in line want­ed to speak to the Guardian Me­dia on the record, some said they had no choice but to join the lines as they had busi­ness to con­duct.

At su­per­mar­kets in Cunu­pia, shop­pers were made to wait out­side by staff as the num­ber of peo­ple al­lowed in at any giv­en time was lim­it­ed. The same was be­ing done at sev­er­al su­per­mar­kets in Aranguez and El So­cor­ro, San Juan.

At PriceS­mart’s Port-of-Spain branch, shop­pers lined up us­ing shop­ping carts as di­viders be­tween them and oth­er cus­tomers as they wait­ed to be let in­to the build­ing. PriceS­mart staff al­lowed on­ly ten cus­tomers in at a time and wait­ed un­til the same amount had left the build­ing be­fore al­low­ing any more in.

At Tru­Valu su­per­mar­ket in San Juan, sim­i­lar pre­cau­tions were in place. One staff mem­ber said most of the pan­ic buy­ing had sub­sided and al­though there was a line to en­ter the su­per­mar­ket, she said the num­bers were sim­i­lar to a reg­u­lar day’s sales.


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