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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Cut UNC MPs say goodbye to constituents


Gail Alexander
1723 days ago
Couva North MP Ramona Ramdial arrives at the United National Congress screening for General Election candidates at the M Rampersad Building in San Fernando last month. Ravi Ratiram eventually got the nod as the candidate.

Couva North MP Ramona Ramdial arrives at the United National Congress screening for General Election candidates at the M Rampersad Building in San Fernando last month. Ravi Ratiram eventually got the nod as the candidate.


Sev­er­al out­go­ing Op­po­si­tion Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress (UNC) MPs have thanked con­stituents and bid them farewell.

Last Sun­day, the par­ty an­nounced its new can­di­date team for up­com­ing Au­gust 10 Gen­er­al Elec­tion. Out of the cur­rent 18 in­cum­bents, eight were re­tained and 10 re­placed.

Yes­ter­day, some of those re­placed reached out to ex­press thanks to con­stituents and oth­ers.

In a mes­sage to con­stituents, Chris­tine Newal­lo-Ho­sein, who was re­placed in Cu­mu­to/Man­zanil­la by Dr Rai Rag­bir, stat­ed, “To all my ab­solute­ly won­der­ful con­stituents, it has been my ut­most plea­sure to serve you. I thank my Lord and Sav­iour Je­sus Christ for grant­i­ng me favour be­yond mea­sure to ably com­plete no­table in­fra­struc­tur­al projects I nev­er imag­ined pos­si­ble in op­po­si­tion, but then, with Christ, all things are pos­si­ble to them that be­lieve.”

She added, “I wish to ex­press my grat­i­tude to my po­lit­i­cal leader Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar for al­low­ing the priv­i­lege of serv­ing you. Thank you for invit­ing me in­to your homes and your lives. I will al­ways have fond mem­o­ries of you....”

Dr Bhoe Tewarie, who was re­placed in Ca­roni Cen­tral by Arnold Ram, al­so reached out to con­stituents, say­ing, “Beau­ti­ful peo­ple of Ca­roni Cen­tral, I thank you for the op­por­tu­ni­ty to serve you for the last five years. It was a joy and a priv­i­lege.

“You em­braced me and I was able to build good com­mu­ni­ty spir­it every­where in Ca­roni Cen­tral. You are the salt of the earth and even though I got im­por­tant things done for you, I wish I could have done more. Be strong, brave and pro­duc­tive as you al­ways are...”

Fazal Karim, re­placed in Ch­agua­nas East by Van­dana Mo­hit, said to con­stituents, “Work­ing for and along­side you has been one of the great­est ho­n­ours and joys of my ca­reer, and my life. I thank you for plac­ing your faith in me, and pray you will con­tin­ue to grow and pros­per, build­ing on all of the work we’ve done to­geth­er for the last five years. May God bless you and our beloved Na­tion.”

Ra­mona Ram­di­al, who was re­placed in Cou­va North by Ravi Rati­ram, told her con­stituents: “To my won­der­ful con­stituents, I want to thank you for all the love and sup­port you’ve giv­en to me as your MP from 2010-2020. This fa­mil­ial re­la­tion­ship grew from strength to strength and we en­dured the chal­lenges of try­ing to make the con­stituen­cy of Cou­va North a mod­el one.“
Ram­di­al de­tailed ac­com­plish­ments of her tenure from gov­ern­ment to op­po­si­tion. She end­ed by thank­ing Per­sad-Bisses­sar for al­low­ing her the op­por­tu­ni­ty to serve two terms and for sup­port­ing her when she got mar­ried and had chil­dren. She pledged con­tin­ued sup­port to her leader and the par­ty.

Con­gress of the Peo­ple’s Prakash Ra­mad­har, re­placed in St Au­gus­tine by Khadi­jah Ameen, said via a state­ment, “At a time of high cri­sis, T&T needs the best of each and every one of us. I do hope and pray those who are suc­cess­ful and those who may not be, may their am­bi­tion to serve not be di­min­ished and that, we, the peo­ple, get the best you can pos­si­bly give.

“I haven’t put my­self for­ward as a can­di­date for any par­ty, nor have I screened for any­one. This is a de­ci­sion I took some time ago. This coun­try is in need of ser­vice, in or out of of­fice, and it’s my in­ten­tion to al­ways do that which is right and prop­er to the ben­e­fit of my coun­try to­day, and pre­pare for a bet­ter fu­ture.”

He al­so thanked Per­sad-Bisses­sar and his UNC col­leagues, “Notwith­stand­ing I didn’t be­long to their par­ty, I was treat­ed as an in­de­pen­dent and for that I am very grate­ful.’’

Ra­mad­har de­tailed what the PP Gov­ern­ment achieved and added, “My in­tent was al­ways no­ble and I did my best to lift the pol­i­tics in this coun­try.”

He al­so thanked con­stituents.

“It will be one of the high­lights of my life in your ser­vice. I thank you for that.”

Politics2025 General Election

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