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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Cyber expert: ‘Public can benefit from info in TSTT cyber breach report’


23 days ago

One dig­i­tal an­thro­pol­o­gist be­lieves the TSTT cy­ber breach re­port should be made pub­lic.

In Oc­to­ber 2023, TSTT be­came the vic­tim of a cy­ber-at­tack that gave the hack­ers ac­cess to its cus­tomers’ da­ta, which was sub­se­quent­ly placed on the Dark Web.

How­ev­er, two for­mer TSTT em­ploy­ees are re­quest­ing that the find­ings of the re­port not be laid in Par­lia­ment.

A guest on to­day’s edi­tion of CNC’s The Morn­ing Brew show, Dar­ren Dho­ray says mak­ing the re­port pub­lic will help cit­i­zens to bet­ter se­cure their on-line in­for­ma­tion.

“The more the pub­lic is aware of these things hap­pen­ing, the more we might be con­cerned about pro­tect­ing our­selves in the on­line space,” Dho­ray points out.

“There are ac­tu­al­ly manda­to­ry re­quire­ments for com­pa­nies and or­gan­i­sa­tions in oth­er ju­ris­dic­tions to re­port that they’ve been un­der a breach, or that da­ta has been lost and shared on the Dark Web,” he ex­plained, “which is what we be­lieve may have hap­pened in this par­tic­u­lar one.”

Dar­ren Dho­ray is en­cour­ag­ing cit­i­zens to be mind­ful of the in­for­ma­tion they share know­ing­ly or un­know­ing­ly on the in­ter­net, es­pe­cial­ly giv­en the fact that da­ta breach­es can hap­pen at any time.

Da­ta Pri­va­cy Day is ob­served an­nu­al­ly on Jan­u­ary 28.

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