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Thursday, February 20, 2025

DCP assures issue of more body cams for TTPS is being addressed


24 days ago
DCP Operations Junior Benjamin at the TTPS news conference at Police Administration Building, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.

DCP Operations Junior Benjamin at the TTPS news conference at Police Administration Building, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.


Jensen La Vende

Se­nior Re­porter

A se­nior po­lice of­fi­cer says the holdup of a ship­ment of 3,000 more body cam­eras from Chi­na for use by po­lice of­fi­cers is be­ing ad­dressed, and “very short­ly you will prob­a­bly hear some­thing more con­crete in re­la­tion to that.”

In the mean­time, Deputy Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Ju­nior Ben­jamin in­sists of­fi­cers are us­ing the 940 body cam­eras avail­able.

Speak­ing at yes­ter­day’s TTPS me­dia brief­ing at the Po­lice Ad­min­is­tra­tion Build­ing in Port-of-Spain, Ben­jamin as­sured that of­fi­cers are us­ing them.

His as­sur­ance came af­ter Po­lice Com­plaints Au­thor­i­ty (PCA) di­rec­tor David West last week said in the eight years that po­lice have been us­ing body cam­eras, he has nev­er re­ceived any footage.

Asked whether the lack of footage is linked to of­fi­cers not tak­ing the mat­ter se­ri­ous­ly, Ben­jamin said it was not the case.

“First of all, we have of­fi­cers wear­ing the body cam, so let’s not act like if they’re not wear­ing the body cam. The PCA prob­a­bly might not have re­ceived any (footage) and I’m say­ing that we are go­ing to con­tin­ue to of­fer and en­cour­age the of­fi­cers to use them once we have the body cam and we have enough, it should not be a prob­lem for po­lice of­fi­cers to wear them.”

Last Au­gust, Di­a­mond Sup­plies Lim­it­ed was award­ed a con­tract to im­port 3,000 body 4K cam­eras with ac­ces­sories and sup­port for $24.9 mil­lion. A month lat­er, the com­pa­ny said it had ac­quired the cam­eras but need­ed at least 70 per cent of the con­tract in or­der to pay the month­ly stor­age fees, which were US$220,000. Up to yes­ter­day, the stor­age fees were still not paid.

Asked about this, Ben­jamin said he could not speak much on the is­sue, adding that “very short­ly you will prob­a­bly hear some­thing more con­crete in re­la­tion to that. How­ev­er, that mat­ter is be­ing ad­dressed even as we speak.”

Ben­jamin added that of­fi­cers did not need the cam­eras to show they had in­tegri­ty but wel­comed the batch stuck in Chi­na.

Guardian Me­dia con­tact­ed Di­a­mond Sup­plies Ltd and a woman an­swered. Asked to speak with own­er Hashim Mo­hammed, she said she was un­sure if he was avail­able and a few sec­onds lat­er said he was un­avail­able. Asked when he would be avail­able, the woman said Mo­hammed was out of the coun­try.

Calls to Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Min­is­ter Fitzger­ald Hinds went unan­swered, while Min­is­ter in the Min­istry of Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Kei­th Scot­land said he could not speak on the mat­ter at the time.

Body cam­eras were in­tro­duced to the TTPS in 2017 as a pi­lot project by then-act­ing po­lice com­mis­sion­er Stephen Williams. Last year, the TTPS said it had 1,120 body cam­eras avail­able for use.

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