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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Delivery driver shot in botched Santa Cruz robbery


Anna-Lisa Paul
5 days ago

A Ch­agua­nas de­liv­ery dri­ver who was hired to trans­port some items from a house in San­ta Cruz on Sun­day, was shot dur­ing an at­tempt­ed rob­bery as he ar­rived.

The 41-year-old vic­tim of Dass Trace, En­ter­prise, re­mained at hos­pi­tal in a crit­i­cal con­di­tion yes­ter­day.

Po­lice said the dri­ver went to El Peri­co Road, Gas­par­il­lo Road, San­ta Cruz, around 6.30 pm on March 9 – af­ter a cus­tomer booked his ser­vices for a mov­ing job.

Ar­riv­ing in his white Hyundai H100 mo­tor ve­hi­cle, he was re­port­ed­ly met by two men - one of whom was armed with a firearm, who ap­proached his ve­hi­cle.

Fear­ing for his life, the vic­tim at­tempt­ed to re­verse his ve­hi­cle when he was shot in the stom­ach.

How­ev­er, he man­aged to es­cape and drove him­self to the Er­ic Williams Med­ical Sci­ences Com­plex, Mt Hope.

Al­though of­fi­cers searched the El Peri­co area in an at­tempt to lo­cate the crime scene yes­ter­day, they were un­able to and res­i­dents failed to pro­vide any use­ful in­for­ma­tion.

Of­fi­cers al­so can­vassed the area for CCTV cam­eras but this too proved fu­tile.

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