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Friday, January 24, 2025

Did Inspector John truly pull trigger that took his life?


957 days ago
Ronald John Snr

Ronald John Snr

For all of their 30 years to­geth­er, Ronald Michael John’s life re­volved around his fa­ther Ronald Roger John.

His fa­ther was his sole par­ent, best friend, and men­tor.

How­ev­er, trag­i­cal­ly, on May 31, 2020—just two months af­ter the ar­rival of the first con­firmed case of COVID-19 in Trinidad and To­ba­go—Ronald Snr died sud­den­ly.

Trinidad and To­ba­go Po­lice In­spec­tor of Crime of the North­ern Di­vi­sion Ronald John died from a sin­gle gun­shot to his head out­side of his wife’s Trinci­ty home.

As a proud Afro-Trinida­di­an man, Ronald Jnr ex­udes con­fi­dence—a trait he cred­its to his fa­ther—but when asked about his emo­tion­al state since his fa­ther’s pass­ing, un­bear­able pain from a bro­ken man pours out.

“I’ve lost every sin­gle fam­i­ly mem­ber that I’ve known. No one be­lieves me. My re­la­tion­ships are dam­aged. I’m an emo­tion­al wreck. I can­not love. I have a men­tal dis­or­der dis­man­tling me. To think that some­one who took care of me, made me so strong, shot and killed him­self just like that, leav­ing me with fi­nan­cial prob­lems, and emo­tion­al prob­lems. My fa­ther was all I had,” Ronald Jnr said, chok­ing back tears.

“To sit down in my fa­ther’s house every sin­gle day, ex­pect­ing him to come home, know­ing he is not com­ing home, I al­most went crazy be­cause I know some­thing is wrong here…I am suf­fer­ing every day. Even to­day, as I speak to you, I am suf­fer­ing men­tal­ly be­cause I have to go back home to face this. I have to sleep on my fa­ther’s bed.”

How­ev­er, while the Trinidad and To­ba­go Po­lice Ser­vice clas­si­fied Ronald Snr’s death as a sui­cide, Ronald Jnr re­fus­es to ac­cept it.

In the two years since his fa­ther’s death, prov­ing, what he be­lieves is, the truth has be­come his sole pur­pose; an ob­ses­sion.

In his at­tempt to prove that his fa­ther did not die by sui­cide, he’s rent­ed out his home—which he once shared with his fa­ther—to pay for le­gal fees to ac­cess doc­u­ments.

Ronald John Jnr

Ronald John Jnr

While rais­ing funds, he’s lived out of his car, then the Bel­mont home’s garage—left to uri­nate and defe­cate in a near­by canal.

“My main fo­cus has been find­ing the truth and it’s tak­en me to men­tal dis­tress where peo­ple are look­ing at me and they are like, some­thing is wrong with him— he mad—Every time you talk with him, all he talk­ing about is his fa­ther. So, I’m trau­ma­tised by this be­cause how can this hap­pen with no truth, no an­swers?” Ronald Jnr said.

“How does a po­lice of­fi­cer of that dis­trict, hold­ing that of­fice, just shoot him­self, just like that? With­out any­one notic­ing that Mr John is go­ing through some­thing. Mr John was fit to work. He was writ­ing and dis­patch­ing of­fi­cers. I can show you my fa­ther’s po­lice records of out­stand­ing ser­vice; nev­er late for work; nev­er ab­sent.”

Ac­cord­ing to the po­lice in­ves­ti­ga­tor as­signed to the case, sev­er­al se­nior of­fi­cers, in­clud­ing the cur­rent Act­ing Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Mc­Don­ald Ja­cob vis­it­ed the scene on May 31st, 2020.

The in­ves­ti­ga­tor said sev­er­al checks were car­ried out then and there to rule out foul play.

“I told Mr John’s son, there’s no ev­i­dence to sug­gest any­one would have caused the un­time­ly pass­ing of your dad, and as a re­sult, the file will be com­piled and sent to the coro­ner’s court for an in­quest,” he said.

“There are cer­tain doc­u­ments still out­stand­ing, in­clud­ing the al­leged sui­cide note, out of no fault of mine, but I’ll con­tin­ue to do what I have to do…The truth will al­ways come out in the end.”

Sta­tion di­ary re­port

Ac­cord­ing to a sta­tion di­ary re­port on the 54-year-old’s death, “On en­try in­to the back­yard of the house the body of…Ronald Act­ing In­spec­tor...last at­tached to the Barataria Po­lice Sta­tion was ly­ing on his bel­ly in what ap­peared to be a pool of blood with his head fac­ing north­west and feet south­east…his wife was in­ter­viewed and she re­port­ed that around 12:50 pm to­day, she was at home with the com­pa­ny of her two daugh­ters…who was asleep...when the de­ceased left them in­side the house and went to the back of the house, short­ly af­ter they heard two loud ex­plo­sions and on check­ing she ob­served the de­ceased ly­ing mo­tion­less in the back­yard.”

“The DMO vis­it­ed the scene, pro­nounced the body(sic) dead, and or­dered its re­moval to the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre for a post-mortem…Crime scene of­fi­cers…vis­it­ed the scene and processed same and seized the fol­low­ing (1) One Glock Pis­tol…with 1 mag­a­zine and 11 rounds of 9m am­mu­ni­tion (2)1 FUL for Glock 19 pis­tol...(3) Sui­cide note (4) Two cell phones with dam­ages con­sis­tent with a gun­shot (5) two spent shells.”

While the po­lice have lit­tle doubt about the cause of death, Ronald Jnr finds sev­er­al things pe­cu­liar.

First­ly, he said it was strange that his fa­ther would shoot his two phones, be­fore tak­ing his own life.

“I called my fa­ther on the 31st May—that same Sun­day (That he died) …On the oth­er end, I be­lieve the per­son on my phone was not my fa­ther, so I called back be­cause they hung up abrupt­ly. When I called back, straight to voice­mail, straight to voice­mail, straight to voice­mail. My fa­ther on­ly an­swers his phone one par­tic­u­lar way—‘Bless­ings,’“ he al­leged.

He al­so al­leged that the hand­writ­ing of the sui­cide note found in his fa­ther’s pants doesn’t match his fa­ther’s usu­al hand­writ­ing.

In an at­tempt to prove his point, John Jnr read from a note writ­ten by his fa­ther.

Guardian Me­dia, with­out the nec­es­sary ex­per­tise to ex­am­ine hand­writ­ing, could not make any as­ser­tions about al­leged dif­fer­ences be­tween the two.

How­ev­er, the note spoke to per­son­al is­sues in­volv­ing his wife that seem­ing­ly left John Snr dis­traught.

He spoke to his body and mind be­ing worn and stressed as a re­sult of stres­sors.

Autopsy report shows bullet traveled  from right to left.

Autopsy report shows bullet traveled from right to left.

Ac­cord­ing to the au­top­sy re­port, ob­tained by Ronald Jnr through a Free­dom of In­for­ma­tion Act Re­quest, the bul­let en­tered through the right of the head and ex­it­ed through the left.

Ronald Jnr con­tend­ed the find­ing was strange, giv­en his fa­ther was left-hand­ed.

In an­oth­er FOIA Re­quest made to the Trinidad and To­ba­go Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre by Ronald John Jnr, he sought to find out if the death was self-in­flict­ed.

The pathol­o­gist re­spond­ed by let­ter on De­cem­ber 3rd, 2021 say­ing, “Even though the cause of death was bul­let im­pact and en­try in­to the body, as to what hap­pened be­fore the bul­let was dis­charged, I will be un­able to say whether the hold­er of the gun was the de­ceased or some oth­er per­son as the ev­i­dence passed to the pathol­o­gy unit does not in­clude this po­si­tion. This is a mat­ter for the po­lice in­ves­ti­ga­tor to neg­a­tive or con­firm.”

“If my al­le­ga­tions are wrong, why don’t the po­lice ser­vice sim­ply present the ev­i­dence to sup­port their re­port of sui­cide? That’s all I am ask­ing for—the truth, the truth,” John Jnr plead­ed.


Ronald John Snr was 54 years old when he died and served 32 years in the Trinidad and To­ba­go Po­lice Ser­vice.

The last few years of his life, how­ev­er, were full of tests and tri­als.

As an Act­ing In­spec­tor, he in­ves­ti­gat­ed sev­er­al high-pro­file cas­es un­der the ad­min­is­tra­tion of for­mer Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Gary Grif­fith.

John Snr, the head of the Four Roads Sta­tion at the time, was the in­ves­ti­ga­tor look­ing in­to a miss­ing di­ary re­port which con­tained ac­cu­sa­tions made against for­mer CoP Grif­fith by Co­corite res­i­dent Ce­cil Skeete.

Skeete, in a com­plaint to Four Roads Of­fi­cers, al­leged in 2019 that Grif­fith choked and threat­ened to kill him while he was be­ing ques­tioned by po­lice.

The di­ary was al­leged­ly seized and re­mained un­ac­count­ed for, while sev­er­al of­fi­cers in­volved in in­ves­ti­gat­ing the case were trans­ferred to an­oth­er di­vi­sion by a for­mer As­sis­tant Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice.

Dur­ing his in­ves­ti­ga­tions in­to the miss­ing di­ary, John Snr was al­so trans­ferred from the Four Roads Po­lice Sta­tion to the Barataria Po­lice Sta­tion.

“My fa­ther was told to leave that in­ves­ti­ga­tion alone. Now that my fa­ther is dead, that in­ves­ti­ga­tion has gone cold case(sic).

“An­oth­er in­ves­ti­ga­tion my fa­ther was in­ves­ti­gat­ing was, have you heard of the case where the DPP asked for a file? To bring him the Hack­shaw file (For­mer ACP Ir­win Hack­shaw), re­mem­ber that? My fa­ther was al­so an in­ves­ti­ga­tor in­to the death of Vaughn “Sand­man” Mieres on the North Coast, where Mr. Mieres was al­leged to have promi­nent rogue of­fi­cers on his pay­roll,” John Jnr claimed.

“He did (ex­press con­cerns about his safe­ty con­cern­ing the in­ves­ti­ga­tions). That’s why he put con­tin­gen­cies in­to play. He took sick leave and he was go­ing to the Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions.”

Skeete, a gang leader, was lat­er mur­dered.

In 2017, a year af­ter get­ting mar­ried, John Se­nior was di­ag­nosed with can­cer.

In 2019, hav­ing al­ready put out large amounts of mon­ey for treat­ment he was left un­able to af­ford the surgery need­ed to save his life.

That year, John went to the Unit­ed States hop­ing to have emer­gency surgery per­formed.

Pathologist’s Note

Pathologist’s Note

Donors paid US$15,000 for his surgery at the Kingsville Med­ical Cen­tre in Texas, Unit­ed States.

“He did three ma­jor surg­eries and he healed. The cre­ator blessed him with life, he came back to Trinidad in Jan­u­ary 2020.

“I have all my fa­ther’s med­ical records from Kingsville Med­ical which will show that even though my fa­ther had can­cer, his body was well-nour­ished. He didn’t have ter­mi­nal sick­ness to say that he was dy­ing,” John Jnr said about ru­mours that his fa­ther’s can­cer di­ag­no­sis was ter­mi­nal.

“He was on ac­tive du­ty. He’s ac­tive­ly hold­ing a ser­vice firearm. He can­not yield that firearm un­less he has a med­ical psy­chi­atric eval­u­a­tion done…He’s deal­ing with pub­lic in­ves­ti­ga­tions. What ail­ing? He was not ail­ing,” John Jnr claimed.

With T&T’s bor­ders closed, John stayed with rel­a­tives for close to a year in the US af­ter his life-sav­ing surgery.

In ad­di­tion to hav­ing can­cer, John Snr was al­so ex­pe­ri­enc­ing mar­i­tal is­sues, hav­ing sep­a­rat­ed from his wife of four years at the time of his death.

The case re­mains clas­si­fied as a sui­cide.

How­ev­er, the case re­mains open and if any ev­i­dence sug­gest­ing foul play comes for­ward, they will in­ves­ti­gate it.

Ronald Jnr says he will con­tin­ue in his at­tempt to make sense of the trag­ic loss of his fa­ther and best friend—a ded­i­cat­ed po­lice of­fi­cer with 32 years of ser­vice.

“This is my fa­ther. This is some­body who took care of me for 30 years of my life. I nev­er had a moth­er. A lot of young men in this coun­try to­day do not have a fa­ther…I feel as though my life has been over. For two years, this has been my main pri­or­i­ty. I haven’t had a job. I haven’t had a re­la­tion­ship. I haven’t had any so­cial ac­tiv­i­ty,” John Jnr said in clos­ing.

Since March 2020, at least three po­lice of­fi­cers are be­lieved to have died by sui­cide.

Ac­cord­ing to the Di­rec­tor of the Health Min­istry’s Men­tal Health Unit Dr Hazel Oth­el­lo, 232 peo­ple died from sui­cide in Trinidad and To­ba­go be­tween the years 2020 and 2021.

Close to 80 per cent of those who died were men.


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