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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Driver robbed while waiting for police after fatal Beetham accident


Shane Superville
35 days ago

A dri­ver who struck and killed an uniden­ti­fied man on the Beetham High­way was robbed by ban­dits as he wait­ed for po­lice to ar­rive at the scene on Mon­day night.

Po­lice said the man was dri­ving his Maz­da van on the east­bound lane of the Beetham High­way at around 11.15 pm when he knocked down a man who was try­ing to cross the high­way from north to south.

The uniden­ti­fied man was re­port­ed­ly pinned be­neath the dri­ver’s ve­hi­cle.

The dri­ver called the po­lice and told them of the in­ci­dent, how­ev­er while wait­ing for of­fi­cers to ar­rive, he said, he was con­front­ed by ten men who were seen walk­ing from be­hind a Wa­ter and Sew­er­age Au­thor­i­ty pipe.

The men robbed the dri­ver of jew­el­ery and his cell­phone be­fore es­cap­ing.

Of­fi­cers of the High­way Pa­trol Unit ar­rived short­ly af­ter with a dis­trict med­ical of­fi­cer who de­clared the ac­ci­dent vic­tim dead.

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