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Friday, March 14, 2025

Eight-year-old wins Queen of Chutney title


755 days ago
Katelin Sultan during her winning performance at the Chutney Soca Monarch finals, on Friday 17 February 2023. She was crowned Chutney Soca Queen 2023. [Image courtesy Southex Live Events via YouTube]

Katelin Sultan during her winning performance at the Chutney Soca Monarch finals, on Friday 17 February 2023. She was crowned Chutney Soca Queen 2023. [Image courtesy Southex Live Events via YouTube]


Ri­car­do 'Dad­dy Chi­nee' Melville was crowned Chut­ney So­ca Monarch 2023 in front of a crowd of ap­prox­i­mate­ly 6,000 peo­ple.

Event pro­mot­er, Southex, says his win was "unan­i­mous among the judges, as every one of them had him ahead on their sheets."

Southex says his­to­ry was cre­at­ed at the show, "as this is the first time a non-In­do Trinida­di­an walked away with the ti­tle."

Ricardo 'Daddy Chinee' Melville during his winning performance at the Chutney Soca Monarch finals, on Friday 17 February 2023. He was crowned Chutney Soca Monarch 2023. [Image courtesy Southex Live Events via YouTube]

Ricardo 'Daddy Chinee' Melville during his winning performance at the Chutney Soca Monarch finals, on Friday 17 February 2023. He was crowned Chutney Soca Monarch 2023. [Image courtesy Southex Live Events via YouTube]

Katelin Sul­tan, the eight-year-old Chut­ney So­ca star, walked away with the Queen of Chut­ney So­ca ti­tle, beat­ing Ram­ra­jie Prab­hoo in­to sec­ond place.

Katelin was al­so the youngest to ever win a ma­jor ti­tle in one of the main­stream com­pe­ti­tions in Trinidad & To­ba­go’s Car­ni­val.

Katelin Sultan during her winning performance at the Chutney Soca Monarch finals, on Friday 17 February 2023. She was crowned Chutney Soca Queen 2023. [Image courtesy Southex Live Events via YouTube]

Katelin Sultan during her winning performance at the Chutney Soca Monarch finals, on Friday 17 February 2023. She was crowned Chutney Soca Queen 2023. [Image courtesy Southex Live Events via YouTube]

The for­mer cham­pi­on, GI Be­har­ry, placed third, while Ken­neth Su­per­sad placed sec­ond in the com­pe­ti­tion.

Apart from the prize mon­ey, Katelin al­so has won two Caribbean Air­lines tick­ets to any des­ti­na­tion they fly to, plus an all-in­clu­sive week­end at the Tropik­ist Ho­tel and Beach re­sort, which make up part of her prize pack­age.

Ricardo 'Daddy Chinee' Melville during his winning performance at the Chutney Soca Monarch finals, on Friday 17 February 2023. He was crowned Chutney Soca Monarch 2023. [Image courtesy Southex Live Events via YouTube]

Ricardo 'Daddy Chinee' Melville during his winning performance at the Chutney Soca Monarch finals, on Friday 17 February 2023. He was crowned Chutney Soca Monarch 2023. [Image courtesy Southex Live Events via YouTube]

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