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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Faith B Yisrael elected new Deputy Chief Sec


919 days ago
Deputy Chief Secretary Dr. Faith B.Yisrael is officially sworn in by acting Presidente Christine Kangaloo at President’s House, St Ann’s yesterday.

Deputy Chief Secretary Dr. Faith B.Yisrael is officially sworn in by acting Presidente Christine Kangaloo at President’s House, St Ann’s yesterday.


Chester Sam­bra­no

Fol­low­ing the ver­bal pub­lic and writ­ten res­ig­na­tion of Wat­son Duke as Deputy Chief Sec­re­tary of the To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly (THA) last Thurs­day, it was made of­fi­cial in the House by pre­sid­ing of­fi­cer Ab­by Tay­lor at a spe­cial sit­ting at the Shaw Park Cul­tur­al Com­plex on Mon­day.

“In cir­cum­stances, I an­nounce that there is a va­can­cy in the of­fice of the Deputy Chief Sec­re­tary of the To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly,” Tay­lor said.

Tay­lor then in­vit­ed the house to elect a new Deputy Chief Sec­re­tary.

“I wish to nom­i­nate for the po­si­tion of Deputy Chief Sec­re­tary As­sem­bly­man Dr Faith B Yis­rael,” Chief Sec­re­tary Far­ley Au­gus­tine said.

His nom­i­nee was then sec­ond­ed by As­sem­bly­man Megan Mor­ri­son. But the process took a sud­den twist when Tay­lor asked if there are any oth­er nom­i­nees for the post.

Mi­nor­i­ty Leader Kelvon Mor­ris got to his feet.

“Madam pre­sid­ing of­fi­cer, I wish to nom­i­nate Mr Wat­son Solomon Duke,” he said.

Con­fu­sion could be seen on the faces of some of the As­sem­bly­men and even Tay­lor was forced to con­sult the clerk for guid­ance.

The pre­sid­ing of­fi­cer then asked for a sec­on­der to the mo­tion and this was done by PNM (Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment) Coun­cil­lor Petal Daniel-Benoit.

How­ev­er, an ob­jec­tion raised by Au­gus­tine was up­held by the pre­sid­ing of­fi­cer as Daniel-Benoit is not an elect­ed mem­ber of the house.

“With there be­ing no oth­er nom­i­na­tion I now de­clare Dr Faith B Yis­rael the du­ly elect­ed Deputy Chief Sec­re­tary,” Tay­lor said.

But that was not the end of it.

As soon as the house ad­journed, Duke spoke to re­porters to ex­press his dis­plea­sure.

“One of the most I would say ridicu­lous mutiny that is tak­ing place,” he said.

“ I won’t say they have hi­jacked the par­ty be­cause the par­ty is em­bod­ied in Wat­son Solomon Duke hence the name spar­tans come about. They are not spar­tans, they are jel­ly­fish,” he added.

Duke al­so said that Au­gus­tine moved a mo­tion in the PDP (Pro­gres­sive De­mo­c­ra­t­ic Pa­tri­ots) in 2020 ask­ing that Duke not con­test the Jan­u­ary 2021 elec­tions, how­ev­er, ac­cord­ing to Duke that mo­tion failed.

“I said to him, my friend, don’t be a fool, you and me have to run and you will be Chief Sec­re­tary,” he said.

Duke said what will hap­pen go­ing for­ward is what he called tak­ing off the mask.

As it re­lat­ed to a pos­si­ble le­gal chal­lenge against the ap­point­ment of a new Deputy Chief Sec­re­tary amid ques­tions that Duke’s res­ig­na­tion may not have been done prop­er­ly, he said the le­gal process should be al­lowed to take its course.

“There is a law and there is the ap­pli­ca­tion of law so let’s see how that would go be­fore a judge, but for now I would say there is a house and there is a house with­in a house,” Duke said.

He al­so said he is not a par­ty to the le­gal chal­lenge as far as he is aware.

How­ev­er the pos­si­bil­i­ty of le­gal ac­tion has not fazed Au­gus­tine.

At a news con­fer­ence fol­low­ing the elec­tion of Dr B Yis­rael as, he ru­bished the le­gal chal­lenge.

“All lawyers with sense and any knowl­edge of the law have dis­missed as a nui­sance the let­ter that came in the dead of night seek­ing to stop the sit­ting to­day. If those lawyers had grounds to stand on they would have gone to court bright and ear­ly this morn­ing (Sun­day) to seek in­junc­tive re­lief and the fact that did not hap­pen tells you that they are mak­ing an ar­gu­ment for form over sub­stance which holds no wa­ter when it comes to law,” Au­gus­tine said.

Act­ing on be­half of Krys­tal Fordyce, a reg­is­tered elec­tor from the Dar­rel Spring/Whim dis­trict–at­tor­ney Vishaal Siewsaran of the Free­dom Law Cham­bers, San Fer­nan­do, despatched a three-page let­ter ad­dressed to the THA’s Pre­sid­ing Of­fi­cer Ab­by Tay­lor; Pres­i­dent Paula-Mae Weekes and At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Regi­nald Ar­mour late on Sun­day—in which he in­di­cat­ed the sched­uled move to elect a new Deputy Chief Sec­re­tary would be “il­le­gal and un­con­sti­tu­tion­al” as, “the pur­port­ed res­ig­na­tion of Mr Wat­son Duke as Deputy Chief Sec­re­tary is in­valid and in­ef­fec­tive in law.”

Siewsaran had giv­en the THA up to 12 o’clock on Sun­day night to re­spond to the mo­tion, fail­ing which, he would have sought an im­me­di­ate in­junc­tion to re­strain the THA from con­tin­u­ing with the pro­posed elec­tion.

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