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Friday, February 21, 2025

Family finally gets autopsy for deceased man


24 days ago
Freak accident victim Hardeo Manohar. 

Freak accident victim Hardeo Manohar. 


Shas­tri Boodan

Free­lance Cor­re­spon­dent

Rel­a­tives of Hard­eo Manohar, 63, who was killed when a truck rolled over him at his job site on Jan­u­ary 21, are breath­ing a sigh of re­lief af­ter they re­ceived news that an au­top­sy on his body will be per­formed to­day.

Manohar, an em­ploy­ee of a cen­tral-based road paving com­pa­ny, was giv­ing di­rec­tions to a truck dri­ver who was re­vers­ing on­to the Man­zanil­la Ma­yaro Road, when the truck rolled over him, killing him im­me­di­ate­ly.

Jan­u­ary 21 was sup­posed to be his sec­ond-to-last day on the job.

Al­isha Sook­er, 26, grand­daugh­ter of the de­ceased man, said the fam­i­ly fi­nal­ly re­ceived a call yes­ter­day from the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre.

She said rel­a­tives had pre­vi­ous­ly been get­ting a run-around when they vis­it­ed the in­sti­tu­tion.

Rel­a­tives con­tact­ed Guardian Me­dia yes­ter­day, ap­peal­ing for the rel­e­vant au­thor­i­ties to con­duct an au­top­sy and re­lease the body be­fore Jan­u­ary 30.

They said they were ad­vised by their pun­dit that fu­ner­al rit­u­als should be per­formed be­fore the 30th, since the pe­ri­od af­ter that was a “bad time.”

Min­is­ter in the Min­istry of Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Kei­th Scot­land told Guardian Me­dia he had lis­tened to the cries of the rel­a­tives of the de­ceased and moved to as­sist where nec­es­sary.

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