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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Fire destroys million dollar yachts


Otto Carrington
1472 days ago

Two yachts were de­stroyed by fire Thurs­day at the Trinidad and To­ba­go Yacht Club in Care­nage.

The fire which start­ed just af­ter mid­day left many yachties in pan­ic as they moved their ves­sels to evade the fire.

The smoke from the fire was seen far off as the Fore­shore at the Au­drey Jef­fers High­way.

No one was in­jured, how­ev­er, of­fi­cers from the Trinidad and To­ba­go Fire Ser­vices as­signed to the Ch­aguara­mas and Four Roads Sta­tions re­spond­ed.

Head of North­ern Di­vi­sion, As­sis­tant Chief Fire Of­fi­cer, Pe­ter Nev­er­son said, “We re­spond­ed to a call at the yacht club here Ch­aguara­mas that two ves­sels were on fire and fire­fight­ing op­er­a­tion com­menced im­me­di­ate­ly as ap­pli­ances from Four Roads and Ch­aguara­mas Fire Sta­tions re­spond­ed to the call. How­ev­er be­cause of the dis­tance where the ap­pli­ance has to park to get the ves­sel it­self there where some con­straints”.

The Trinidad and To­ba­go Coast Guard was al­so on hand to as­sist.

As­sis­tant Chief Fire Of­fi­cer said the Fire Ser­vice was even­tu­al­ly as­sist­ed by a ves­sel called Sen­tri, which is a high pow­er pres­sured boat, in damp­en­ing down the blaze.

The fire de­stroyed about 80 to 90 per cent of both yachts.

The val­ue of the two boats, ac­cord­ing to fire of­fi­cers, was said to be ap­prox­i­mate­ly in the mil­lions.

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