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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Fire on ship docked in Port-of-Spain contained


1255 days ago
The Atlantic Provider which caught fire at the Port of Port-of-Spain, on Tuesday.

The Atlantic Provider which caught fire at the Port of Port-of-Spain, on Tuesday.

Mem­bers of the Fire Ser­vice who re­spond­ed to a fire on a car­go ship named At­lantic Provider, which is cur­rent­ly docked in Port-of-Spain, were able to ex­tin­guish the blaze on time and pre­vent it from spread­ing to oth­er parts of the ves­sel.

Po­lice said at about 5.17 pm on Wednes­day smoke was seen from the first floor of the ves­sel, which is docked close to the break­fast shed.

At the time, po­lice said, the ves­sel was be­ing re­paired by a team of four peo­ple and a wall-mount­ed fan in one of the sleep­ing quar­ters seized and caught fire, en­gulf­ing the room.

The crew mem­bers quick­ly at­tempt­ed to con­tain the fire and no­ti­fied the po­lice and fire of­fi­cers.

With­in min­utes fire of­fi­cers from the near­by Wright­son Road Fire Sta­tion ar­rived on the scene and were able to con­tain and ex­tin­guish the blaze.

There were no in­juries, how­ev­er, the ini­tial es­ti­mate for dam­age is over US$5,000.

The At­lantic Provider was one of the ves­sels named to re­place the Su­per Fast Gali­cia, and it made its maid­en voy­age to To­ba­go in April 2017.

It was used for a short pe­ri­od to aid with the seabridge be­tween T&T, how­ev­er, the Gov­ern­ment de­clined to ac­cept the com­pa­ny’s pro­pos­al for the re­new­al of its con­tract that year. The ves­sel has since been sold to a for­eign com­pa­ny and cur­rent­ly be­ing re­fur­bished.

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