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Thursday, February 27, 2025

First look at new Coat of Arms


Kejan Haynes
39 days ago

Ke­jan Haynes

Lead Ed­i­tor, News­gath­er­ing


Gov­ern­ment has re­leased the first look at the new Coat of Arms fea­tur­ing the Steel­pan.

The of­fi­cial de­scrip­tion ac­cord­ing to the Na­tion­al Em­blems of Trinidad and To­ba­go (Reg­u­la­tion) (Amend­ment) Bill, 2025, the Coat of Arms re­places the im­age of "three ships" with a more cul­tur­al­ly sig­nif­i­cant im­age of a “gold Steel­pan and its icon­ic two pan sticks."

The re­designed Coat of Arms was cre­at­ed by renowned de­sign­er and jew­eller Gillian Bish­op.

The for­mer Coat of Arms of the Re­pub­lic of Trinidad and To­ba­go may be used un­til Jan­u­ary 1, 2026, or such lat­er date as the Min­is­ter may pre­scribe by Or­der. 

The Bill was passed in the Low­er House on Jan­u­ary 13.

It will now pro­ceed to be read and de­bat­ed in the Up­per House (Sen­ate). Once passed in the Up­per House, it will then pro­ceed to be pro­claimed by the Pres­i­dent of the Re­pub­lic of Trinidad and To­ba­go af­ter which it will be­come Law.

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