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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Five new judges appointed to Industrial Court


418 days ago
This image by the Industrial Court of Trinidad and Tobago and dated 22 January 2024, shows current Members of the Court. Standing from left are the newly appointed judges: Her Honour Mrs. Caron London, Her Honour Ms. Stephanie Fingal, His Honour Mr. Mario Als, His Honour Mr. Glenn Wilson and His Honour Mr. Peter Ramkissoon. Seated from left are His Honour Mr. Herbert Soverall, Vice President; Her Honour Mrs. Heather Seale, President and His Honour Mr. Lawrence Achong, Chairman of the Essential Services Division.

This image by the Industrial Court of Trinidad and Tobago and dated 22 January 2024, shows current Members of the Court. Standing from left are the newly appointed judges: Her Honour Mrs. Caron London, Her Honour Ms. Stephanie Fingal, His Honour Mr. Mario Als, His Honour Mr. Glenn Wilson and His Honour Mr. Peter Ramkissoon. Seated from left are His Honour Mr. Herbert Soverall, Vice President; Her Honour Mrs. Heather Seale, President and His Honour Mr. Lawrence Achong, Chairman of the Essential Services Division.

A trade union vet­er­an and an econ­o­mist are among five new judges ap­point­ed to serve on the In­dus­tri­al Court.

The Court is­sued an of­fi­cial state­ment not­ing that the five new In­dus­tri­al Court Mem­bers were ap­point­ed by Pres­i­dent Chris­tine Kan­ga­loo. 

To­geth­er, they bring decades of ex­pe­ri­ence in Law, In­dus­tri­al Re­la­tions, and Hu­man Re­source Man­age­ment.

They are: Their Ho­n­ours Mr. Pe­ter Ramkissoon, Mr. Glenn Wil­son, Mr. Mario Als, Ms. Stephanie Fin­gal, all of whom pre­side in the Gen­er­al Ser­vices Di­vi­sion, and Her Ho­n­our Mrs. Caron Lon­don, who pre­sides in the Es­sen­tial Ser­vices Di­vi­sion.

Ac­cord­ing to the of­fi­cial re­lease by the In­dus­tri­al Court, His Ho­n­our Mr. Pe­ter Ramkissoon is an ex­pe­ri­enced At­tor­ney-at-law with a 14-year ca­reer in the pub­lic sec­tor. He has held var­i­ous roles, in­clud­ing Se­nior Le­gal Of­fi­cer at the Of­fice of the Chief Per­son­nel Of­fi­cer, Per­son­nel De­part­ment; Gen­er­al Man­ag­er, Le­gal and Cor­po­rate Af­fairs at the East­ern Re­gion­al Health Au­thor­i­ty and State Coun­sel II at the Min­istry of Health. He is a part-time lec­tur­er at the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies, teach­ing the le­gal as­pects of the Mas­ter of Pub­lic Health Pro­gramme.

His Ho­n­our Mr. Glenn Wil­son has over 38 years of ex­pe­ri­ence as a Hu­man Cap­i­tal prac­ti­tion­er. He has held a num­ber of cor­po­rate Hu­man Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment roles, in­clud­ing Chief Ex­ec­u­tive Of­fi­cer, Gov­ern­ment Hu­man Re­source Ser­vices Com­pa­ny Lim­it­ed (GHRS); Vice Pres­i­dent and Head of HR, BG Trinidad and To­ba­go Lim­it­ed (BGTT). He al­so served as HR Man­ag­er at var­i­ous or­ga­ni­za­tions in­clud­ing CARI­COM Sec­re­tari­at, Trinidad and To­ba­go Na­tion­al Pe­tro­le­um Mar­ket­ing Com­pa­ny Lim­it­ed (NP), School Nu­tri­tion Com­pa­ny Lim­it­ed (SNCL) and As­sis­tant Man­ag­er Com­pen­sa­tion, Iron and Steel Com­pa­ny of Trinidad and To­ba­go (IS­COTT). He is the found­ing Vice Pres­i­dent and a for­mer Pres­i­dent of the Hu­man Re­source Man­age­ment As­so­ci­a­tion of Trinidad and To­ba­go (HRMATT).

His Ho­n­our Mr. Mario Als is an In­dus­tri­al Re­la­tions vet­er­an with over forty-five (45) years of ex­pe­ri­ence in the field. He has served as the Deputy Pres­i­dent and Pres­i­dent of the Bank­ing, In­sur­ance and Gen­er­al Work­ers Union; First Vice Pres­i­dent and Ex­ec­u­tive Mem­ber of the Bank and Gen­er­al Work­ers Union; and As­sis­tant Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary of the Na­tion­al Trade Union Cen­tre (NATUC). He is al­so a past mem­ber of the Board of Di­rec­tors of the Na­tion­al Train­ing Agency and the Caribbean In­dus­tri­al Re­search In­sti­tute (CARIRI). He is a for­mer mem­ber of the Na­tion­al Tri­par­tite Ad­vi­so­ry Coun­cil.

Her Ho­n­our Ms. Stephanie Fin­gal is a ca­reer Hu­man Re­sources and In­dus­tri­al Re­la­tions prac­ti­tion­er with over three decades of ex­pe­ri­ence. She has held var­i­ous man­age­ment po­si­tions in Trinidad and To­ba­go's pri­vate and state sec­tors in­clud­ing Di­rec­tor of In­dus­tri­al Re­la­tions for a re­gion­al com­mer­cial bank, and in more re­cent years, In­ter­im Chief Ex­ec­u­tive Of­fi­cer (CEO) and In­dus­tri­al Re­la­tions Con­sul­tant at the Em­ploy­ers’ Con­sul­ta­tive As­so­ci­a­tion of Trinidad and To­ba­go. She has al­so been Vice Chair­man of the Min­i­mum Wages Board and sat as the Caribbean fo­cal point for Latin Amer­i­ca and the Caribbean Erad­i­ca­tion and Pre­ven­tion of Child Labour Ini­tia­tive on be­half of the In­ter­na­tion­al Or­ga­ni­za­tion of Em­ploy­ers (IOE).

Her Ho­n­our Mrs. Caron Lon­don is an Econ­o­mist with ex­pe­ri­ence in both the pri­vate and pub­lic sec­tors. Pri­or to her ap­point­ment as Mem­ber of the In­dus­tri­al Court, she spent twen­ty-two (22) years work­ing as a Sta­tis­ti­cian for the Cen­tral Sta­tis­ti­cal Of­fice (CSO) spe­cial­is­ing in the com­pu­ta­tion of macro­eco­nom­ic in­di­ca­tors. Ad­di­tion­al­ly, her ca­reer has in­clud­ed work as a con­sul­tant for the In­ter­na­tion­al Labour Or­ga­ni­za­tion, as well as a tu­tor­ing role at the St. Mary's Chil­dren's Home.

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