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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Fuel rebate training coming for Otaheite fisherfolk


699 days ago
Customers wait to buy fish at the Otaheite Fishing Bay.

Customers wait to buy fish at the Otaheite Fishing Bay.

Rishi Ragoonath



Di­rec­tor of Fish­eries Ner­is­sa Lucky says her team will be go­ing to the Ota­heite Fish­ing Bay this month to ed­u­cate fish­er­folk on how to ap­ply for fu­el re­bates.

Her com­ments came as fish­er­folk com­plained that they were un­aware fu­el re­bates were be­ing giv­en.

Speak­ing to Guardian Me­dia, Lucky said fish­eries of­fi­cers pe­ri­od­i­cal­ly vis­it fish­ing ports to train fish­er­folk in a num­ber of ar­eas. She said one of the chal­lenges be­ing ex­pe­ri­enced is the ab­sence of fish­er­folk dur­ing train­ing ses­sions.

Re­spond­ing to a call from the Ota­heite fish­er­folk, Lu­ucky said ini­tial­ly train­ing was card­ed for to­mor­row at the port but af­ter con­sult­ing with the fish­er­folk, it was de­cid­ed that the train­ing will take place on April 24 in­stead.

Mean­while, sev­er­al boat own­ers said they were hap­py that the Min­istry had heed­ed their pleas for train­ing.

The re­bates are be­ing of­fered to reg­is­tered fish­er­men for the pur­chase of diesel, gaso­line and oil to ease the fi­nan­cial bur­den ever since the fu­el price jumped six times since 2012.

Boat own­er Han­iff Mo­hammed said while they were grate­ful that re­bates will be pro­vid­ed, they were hop­ing that re­bates could be of­fered for kerosene pur­chas­es as well.

He said 50 per cent of fish­er­folk use kerosene to pow­er their pirogues yet there is no re­bate of­fered for kerosene.

Cur­rent­ly, pre­mi­um gas is priced at $7.75 per litre, su­per costs $6.97 per litre, Diesel costs $4.41 per litre and kerosene costs $4.50 per litre.

An­oth­er boat own­er Ke­ta­ma Hen­ry said many fish­er­men did not know they qual­i­fy for a fu­el re­bate.

He said fish­er­men should keep their bills and make claims as the cost of fu­el was ex­or­bi­tant. 

On the Min­istry of Agri­cul­ture’s web­site, it was stat­ed that reg­is­tered fish­er­men can ap­ply for re­bates. Those us­ing gaso­line are en­ti­tled to 12 cents per litre while diesel-op­er­at­ed ves­sels get ten cents per litre. The fish­er­men al­so get 75 cents per litre for oil used.

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