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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Gardener, 73, killed by trap gun


Sascha Wilson
28 days ago

Se­nior Re­porter


A rou­tine morn­ing trip in­to the “bush” turned fa­tal for 73-year-old gar­den­er Steven­son Lumy, af­ter he was shot in his leg by a trap gun in Moru­ga yes­ter­day.

Rel­a­tives said Lumy had been a “bush­man” and gar­den­er all his life and left home at 6 am. Less than two hours lat­er, they re­ceived the trag­ic news that he was shot by a pipe gun miles in­to a forest­ed area at Fi­garie Trace. Still try­ing to come to terms with his death, his wife Eve­lyn Phillip spoke with Guardian Me­dia at her Ed­ward Trace home while be­ing con­soled by her niece, Guardian Me­dia mul­ti-me­dia jour­nal­ist Da­reece Po­lo. Phillip re­called that Lumy got up yes­ter­day morn­ing, made his cof­fee as nor­mal and then left. Nev­er in her wildest dreams, she said, would she have thought that would be the last time she would see her hus­band alive.

She said an­oth­er gar­den­er told her he heard him bawl­ing hours lat­er and went to his as­sis­tance. He called the po­lice and the am­bu­lance. “He say he went to cut fig and he hear him call­ing out and he an­swered him and he say, ‘Come I get shoot here boy.’” She said the oth­er man saw Lumy ly­ing on the ground bleed­ing from his left leg near his knee.

“He (Lumy) tell him cut out his jer­sey and tie he foot be­cause he foot like it mash up and he tell him cut out the boots from he foot. He put him on his shoul­der and bring him out of the bush and bring him on the side of the road.”

Sad­ly, Lumy died be­fore the emer­gency re­spon­ders ar­rived. Re­call­ing what she saw at the scene, Phillip said, “When I go in the bush the man (her hus­band) lie down on the ground there.”

She said her hus­band had been ad­vised by his doc­tor to re­frain from ven­tur­ing in­to the bush­es. “He said, ‘Do not go back in the bush Mr Lumy. Make your lil gar­den home do not go back in the bush be­cause if you get wet in the bush there is a pos­si­bil­i­ty you will die.’ But, he tell me, ‘I stub­born you know, I go­ing back in the bush’ and he went.”

She said he was aware of the dan­gers of go­ing in the bush, par­tic­u­lar­ly since it was the sec­ond time he had been shot by a trap gun. She said hunters of­ten set trap guns to catch an­i­mals, most­ly deer.

“He knows the dan­ger, some­body pipe gun shoot him in both legs. He spent how much days in the hos­pi­tal. He like that. He like the bush. He like the chal­lenge.”

How­ev­er, she ad­vised oth­er ad­ven­ture seek­ers to be care­ful when ex­plor­ing forest­ed ar­eas. “Tell them for me please, it does have pipe gun in the bush and they have to be ex­tra care­ful. Be vig­i­lant of your sur­round­ings when you en­ter in the green be­cause you could nev­er tell where the gun is, where the trap gun is.”

De­scrib­ing Lumy as a lov­ing man, she said he had liked her since she was 13 years old and used to fol­low her around on a mule, but they on­ly got mar­ried four years ago. Their first child was born in 1979.

“That man was a lover. A lover of chil­dren, any child, but when you get rude he drop you,” she said. Lumy was the fa­ther of two and grand­fa­ther of one. His sis­ter-in-law Hy­acinth Joshua said she fond­ly called him Pa­pa Bois. “Ever since I know him he is about 70-some­thing and I al­ways know him as a bush man. They have gar­den and plen­ty land and he likes plant­i­ng and like his hands have fer­tilis­er, any­thing he plants does come re­al nice,” Joshua said. She said he nev­er ex­pressed any fear about go­ing in­to the bush. Joshua said it was un­like­ly they would ever find out who had set the pipe gun that killed him.

Mean­while, Val­lence Ramb­harat, of the Hunters’ Search and Res­cue Team, con­demned the con­tin­ued use of trap guns. He said, “Per­sons who con­tin­ue to set traps must un­der­stand that these de­vices can be fa­tal to users of our forests and farm­lands. This prac­tice must be wide­ly con­demned and those who con­tin­ue to do so must be tar­get­ed and pros­e­cut­ed just as crim­i­nals. There ex­ists ab­solute­ly no sport in this prac­tice .”

Ex­press­ing con­do­lences to Lumy’s fam­i­ly, Rambb­harat said his team will con­tin­ue to work with law en­force­ment and game war­dens to erad­i­cate the scourge of trap guns in the coun­try, while con­tin­u­ing to pro­mote best prac­tices in the sport of hunt­ing.

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