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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Why was Jizelle driving herself?



Rel­a­tives of Jizelle Sa­landy are ques­tion­ing why she was al­lowed to dri­ve her­self on Sun­day, al­though a dri­ver was as­signed to her. Sad­dened rel­a­tives said a 21-year-old young man was giv­en the job, sev­er­al months ago, to take Sa­landy to var­i­ous des­ti­na­tions. The 21-year-old box­ing star was the hold­er of a dri­ving per­mit for the past two years, but be­cause of her hec­tic sched­ule, man­age­ment rec­om­mend­ed that she hired a dri­ver to take her around. Sis­ter Josanne said: "How could my sis­ter be al­lowed to dri­ve her­self? There is a young man who was hired to take her around... but some­thing hap­pened and my sis­ter end­ed up get­ting be­hind the wheel.

Boxu re­sponds

Potts dis­pelled ru­mours that the dri­ver aban­doned his job. In fact, Potts said it was Sa­landy's de­ci­sion to dri­ve her­self, af­ter re­turn­ing from the sur­prise par­ty. "Jizelle had a team of young peo­ple work­ing for her, and they were all ded­i­cat­ed. The young man took Jizelle to the par­ty and back. He was sleep­ing when Jizelle got in the ac­ci­dent. "Jizelle want­ed to dri­ve, and she took the keys for the car and left. None is to be blamed for what hap­pened... "God took her away."

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