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Friday, March 14, 2025

Floods hit Diego Martin



?The Diego Mar­tin riv­er rose to high lev­els and low ly­ing ar­eas ex­pe­ri­enced flood­ing yes­ter­day fol­low­ing heavy rain­fall, the Of­fice of Dis­as­ter Pre­pared­ness stat­ed. The ODPM stat­ed that af­fect­ed ar­eas in­clud­ed Ray­mond Street in Care­nage, Good­wood Gar­dens, Ap­ple Blos­som, in Pe­tit Val­ley, Crys­tal Stream, Vic­to­ria Gar­dens and Fac­to­ry Road in Diego Mar­tin. Of­fers of as­sis­tance for af­fect­ed res­i­dents came from the Diego Mar­tin Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion, the Works Min­istry and the T&T Fire ser­vices and Spe­cial An­ti-Crime Unit.

The ODPM was mon­i­tor­ing the sit­u­a­tion up to late yes­ter­day. There was an un­usu­al amount of rain in Port-of-Spain and en­vi­rons yes­ter­day. Ac­cord­ing to the Met Of­fice, this was not un­usu­al as No­vem­ber is nor­mal­ly seen as one of the wettest months dur­ing the hur­ri­cane sea­son.

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