Beautiful! That's the most appropriate word that can be used to describe the celebration ceremony of the life of Mairoon Ali at Queen's Hall, St Ann's, yesterday. An almost packed auditorium of family and friends, who came out to pay tribute and bid a final farewell to a treasured woman, were treated to nothing short of the many colours of Ali. Among the gathering were Ambassador Joan Yuille-Williams, MP for Mayaro, Winston "Gypsy" Peters, Peter Minshall and Minister of Information Dr Neil Parsanlal.
First being serenaded by the Holy Name Convent Choir as they sang "Homeward Bound", the morning then progressed with tributes coming from good friends of Ali–Dale Enoch, Errol Fabien, Penelope Spencer, Roy Cape All Stars, Cecilia Salazar and even Tony Hall, who texted in his tribute as he could not make it to the celebration–all making their contributions cheerful.
Without "Mavis" by her side, Nikki Crosby delivered the part of "Gladys: quite well, making the gathering double over with laughter as she bid a humorous farewell to the character of "Mavis" (played by Ali). Crosby took time out after her skit to remind all of the many characters Ali took on throughout her years in theatre. "I had to do that because it hit me hard that I was saying goodbye to Mairoon but I was also saying goodbye to the many characters she brought to life. So goodbye Mairoon and goodbye to all your characters," she said.
RIGHT: A passionate Penelope Spencer delivers a poem she wrote in tribute to Mairoon Ali.
Just the way she liked it
Ali was a lover of our national instrument and on hand to pay tribute to her was Len "Boogsie" Sharpe, who earned a standing ovation after playing "How Great Thou Art" on double tenors. A special, entitled "Fly Away", which was written and sung by Terry Lyons in acapella style, was pore-raising as she thanked Ali for being a mother to her. Ali's "boys"–3 Canal–celebrated her memory with two of her favourite compositions, Illuminata and Real Fire This Year. The Malick Folk Performers, the group with which Ali made her first stage appearance, also paid tribute to the theatre queen. The celebration concluded with a special by Mavis John.
Keeping her memory alive
As colourful as Mairoon Ali was, so too was the memory of her portrayed through her friends and family yesterday at the celebration of her life. There was no room for tears as the atmosphere was filled with the sweet savour of Ali's wonderful memories. A beautiful person she was–a friend, mother and sister to many –as described by all whose lives she touched. Mairoon Ali is gone but certainly not forgotten.