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Friday, March 14, 2025

?Mark: Move to shift UNC headquarters



For­mer Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress (UNC) deputy po­lit­i­cal leader Wade Mark has claimed that at­tempts were be­ing made to move the UNC's head­quar­ters from its base in Cou­va to Port-of-Spain.

"We have cer­tain per­sons in the par­ty that we have to be cog­nisant of in terms of what di­rec­tion they want to take the par­ty," Mark said, dur­ing yes­ter­day's tea break of the Sen­ate. "My in­for­ma­tion is that there is an at­tempt to move the base of the par­ty from out of Cen­tral and in­to Port-of-Spain."

Mark said the po­lit­i­cal leader did not have an of­fice at Rien­zi Com­plex.

"No, he (the po­lit­i­cal leader) does not have an of­fice (at Rien­zi) nor the chair­man," Mark said. "Be­cause of the in­cum­ben­cy of Mr Pan­day as mem­ber of Cou­va North, what you have is that over the pe­ri­od and so on, he had al­ways es­tab­lished that the Cou­va North par­lia­ment of­fice (for meet­ings)." Mark said the UNC sub­let­ted Rien­zi Com­plex from the All Trinidad Sug­ar and Gen­er­al Work­ers' Trade Union (ATS­GW­TU).

"I imag­ine if more space is re­quired, the new ex­ec­u­tive would have the lead­er­ship of the union to make that kind of rep­re­sen­ta­tion to get that space if they have to cre­ate the room to en­sure that the key of­fices have some space there," he said. "One has to be care­ful about re­mov­ing the per­sona from its birth­place and have it trans­port­ed else­where, so what­ev­er is be­ing done you have to en­sure that you have a strong pres­ence in the area."

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