David Abdulah, president of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions and NGO's (Fitun), said last evening the reason the acting Commission of Police James Philbert gave for denying them permission to march in Port-of- Spain on Friday does not hold water. The CoP denied the organisation's request on the basis of national security issues. "We usually hold peaceful and disciplined demonstrations and this was one of several demonstrations we had planned for April to highlight issues affecting workers, so the reasons does not hold water. This is not the first time he has denied us permission, anyway," Abdulah said.
Fitun had applied for request to stage one of its peaceful demonstrations on the same day the Parliament was scheduled to debate a no confidence motion brought against Prime Minister Patrick Manning brought by the Opposition UNC. The People's National Movement had also applied for permission to demonstrate their support for their political leader in Woodford Square. Philbert denied both requests. "It would have been horrendous if he (Philbert) had denied us and approved the PNM. This would have been a clear case of discrimination," Abdulah said.