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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Govt ministers say goodbye to ‘Doc’


5 days ago
A screengrab of a montage of Cabinet Ministers saying farewell to Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley.

A screengrab of a montage of Cabinet Ministers saying farewell to Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley.

Instagram/OPM Communications

Cab­i­net min­is­ters have come to­geth­er to say good­bye to out­go­ing Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley.

In a video post­ed to the Gov­ern­ment Com­mu­ni­ca­tions so­cial me­dia pages, the min­is­ters took turns ex­press­ing grat­i­tude and best wish­es to Row­ley.

Led off by in­com­ing Prime Min­is­ter Stu­art Young they told him, “Dr Row­ley this is not good­bye, but this is a heart­felt thank you.”

Un­der a mu­sic bed of Di­do’s Thank You, min­is­ter af­ter min­is­ter spoke about Row­ley’s per­son­al touch on their lives as well as all he did for Trinidad and To­ba­go.

A video mon­tage of some key mo­ments fea­tur­ing the out­go­ing PM was al­so shown.

Un­der the post, the Min­istry of Com­mu­ni­ca­tions wrote, “For 10 years Dr the Ho­n­ourable Kei­th Christo­pher Row­ley has led the coun­try and Cab­i­net of Trinidad and To­ba­go as Prime Min­is­ter. To­day, as he re­tires from this lead­er­ship role, his col­leagues take a mo­ment to wish farewell to a men­tor, an ex­em­plar and a friend. Here’s to the man they fond­ly re­fer to as ‘Doc’. Thank you, Dr Row­ley! We are a na­tion full of grat­i­tude.”

Row­ley re­signed as Prime Min­is­ter yes­ter­day af­ter serv­ing two terms and some 45 years in pub­lic life. En­er­gy Min­is­ter Stu­art Young will take the oath of of­fice to­day to re­place him.

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