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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Hazel Manning refutes UNC campaign manager’s claims of past ties


5 days ago
Photo courtesy Facebook.

Photo courtesy Facebook.

For­mer Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter Hazel Man­ning has re­ject­ed claims made by Wendy Lewis, who said she once held a key po­si­tion with­in the con­stituen­cy of­fice of the late Prime Min­is­ter Patrick Man­ning. 

Hazel Man­ning, the wid­ow of the for­mer prime min­is­ter, re­spond­ed on Face­book this morn­ing af­ter Lewis ap­peared in a Guardian Me­dia in­ter­view on Fri­day dur­ing a walk­a­bout in Mon Re­pos, ex­plain­ing her de­ci­sion to switch al­le­giance to the Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress (UNC) af­ter decades of in­volve­ment in pol­i­tics.

Lewis is now the cam­paign man­ag­er for prospec­tive UNC can­di­date for San Fer­nan­do East, John Michael Al­i­bo­cus. She claimed she had worked close­ly with Patrick Man­ning and the Man­ning fam­i­ly. The San Fer­nan­do East seat was held by Patrick Man­ning for decades and is now rep­re­sent­ed by his son, Bri­an Man­ning.

In the in­ter­view, Lewis said, “I was per­son­al pro­to­col of­fi­cer for Mr Man­ning. I was the area man­ag­er for Mon Re­pos, which is why I had to be here to­day… I’ve been in pol­i­tics for 26 years.” She added, “My al­le­giance went when Mr Patrick Man­ning went… There are things that you see now that you would not have seen in Mr Man­ning’s time.”

In re­sponse, Hazel Man­ning said, “The post or po­si­tion of ‘per­son­al pro­to­col of­fi­cer’ un­der my late hus­band, Patrick Man­ning, sim­ply did not ex­ist. It nev­er has and nev­er did.”

She de­nied that Lewis had worked for or rep­re­sent­ed her fam­i­ly in any ca­pac­i­ty.

“To say oth­er­wise, or to claim to have rep­re­sent­ed, ad­vised, spo­ken for or worked with my fam­i­ly, is sim­ply false,” Man­ning said. “This in­di­vid­ual was nev­er re­tained by me, my late hus­band, or my sons, and has nev­er had any stand­ing with the Man­ning fam­i­ly, or served re­mote­ly as our rep­re­sen­ta­tive.”

Man­ning said Lewis once at­tend­ed a short course where she came in­to con­tact with her firm but in­sist­ed there was no for­mal re­la­tion­ship. “This at­tempt to mis­rep­re­sent his­to­ry is un­for­tu­nate and I ask that these claims cease im­me­di­ate­ly,” she added.

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