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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Heavy showers cause flooding in parts of Trinidad


541 days ago
Pedestrians and traffic go through floodwaters along the Couva Main Road, after heavy rain yesterday.

Pedestrians and traffic go through floodwaters along the Couva Main Road, after heavy rain yesterday.




Floods af­fect­ed parts of Trinidad on Wednes­day as heavy show­ers and thun­der­storms swept across the is­land, pro­duc­ing tor­ren­tial rain­fall.

Rain­fall to­tals ex­ceed­ed 55 mil­lime­tres in some ar­eas of Trinidad, where small­er streams over­topped their banks, while drains in the cap­i­tal be­came over­whelmed.

In south Trinidad, flood­ing oc­curred along the Pe­nal Rock Road, the SS Erin Road be­tween Debe and Pe­nal, as well as along Sis­ters Road in Hard­bar­gain, Williamsville where the road­way was tem­porar­i­ly im­pass­able as a trib­u­tary for the Guaracara Riv­er over­topped.

Mul­ti­ple rounds of heavy show­ers af­fect­ed parts of cen­tral Trinidad from mid­morn­ing, caus­ing the Ca­paro Riv­er to briefly over­top at the Ca­paro Val­ley Bras­so Road near Breed­ing Unit for the sec­ond time this week. Flood­ing was al­so re­port­ed in parts of Freeport, Preysal and Cou­va, where the Preysal Main Road and Cou­va Main Road were cov­ered in flood­wa­ters at var­i­ous points.

Traf­fic built up on the south­bound lanes of the Sir Solomon Ho­choy High­way where flood­ing oc­curred near Courts in Freeport and near the Cou­va in­ter­change, af­fect­ing all lanes.

Heavy rain­fall rates ex­ceed­ing 50 mil­lime­tres per hour caused street and flash flood­ing in parts of Port-of-Spain, Bel­mont, Diego Mar­tin, and Co­corite.

While no rivers over­topped in north­west­ern Trinidad, flood­ing oc­curred at var­i­ous points along Sad­dle Road and along the Queen’s Park Sa­van­nah, which quick­ly sub­sided fol­low­ing the end of rains.

Ac­cord­ing to the T&T Me­te­o­ro­log­i­cal Ser­vice, which did not have any alerts in place for the coun­try, the cause of Wednes­day’s weath­er was a re­sult of “the re­cent pas­sage of an area of low pres­sure across the Wind­ward Is­lands left some trail­ing con­ver­gence and the ITCZ in its wake. This pro­duced a few mod­er­ate to heavy show­ers and iso­lat­ed thun­der­storms in some ar­eas from pre-dawn hours.”

The Met Of­fice said that to­day, “a small per­tur­ba­tion, and low lev­el con­ver­gence in as­so­ci­a­tion with the ITCZ, is ex­pect­ed to pro­duce some part­ly cloudy pe­ri­ods dur­ing the very ear­ly pre-dawn hours with light to mod­er­ate show­ers in a few ar­eas.”

They fore­cast “a medi­um (40 per cent) chance for an iso­lat­ed thun­der­storm to de­vel­op favour­ing Trinidad. As the day pro­gress­es con­di­tions are ex­pect­ed to be­come gen­er­al­ly fair but with the chance for brief show­ers in a few ar­eas.

Late evening in­to night, part­ly cloudy con­di­tions with a few show­ers and a medi­um chance (40 per cent) for a heavy show­er or thun­der­storm.”

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