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Monday, February 17, 2025

HOPE 'growing' ahead of 2025 general election


Jesse Ramdeo
32 days ago

HOPE's po­lit­i­cal leader, Tim­o­thy Hamel-Smith says the par­ty is ramp­ing up ef­forts to forge al­liances ahead of the 2025 gen­er­al elec­tion.

Yes­ter­day, Hamel-Smith told Guardian Me­dia that he has been en­gag­ing with oth­er par­ties and the lead­ers from oth­er or­gan­i­sa­tions with the aim of join­ing forces. 

Cur­rent­ly, HOPE, the Na­tion­al Trans­for­ma­tion Al­liance (NTA) head­ed by Gary Grif­fith and the Con­gress of the Peo­ple, now led by Prakash Ra­mad­har, have al­ready agreed to a strate­gic al­liance.

"Peo­ple in Trinidad and To­ba­go want change. They know that if we con­tin­ue in this same old way we will con­tin­ue in­to chaos. They know it is nec­es­sary for more to be done by those in pol­i­tics."

Ac­cord­ing to Hamel-Smith, the strength­en­ing of al­liances can make a dif­fer­ence at the polls.

"NTA has been meet­ing, CoP has been meet­ing, HOPE has been meet­ing and there are two oth­ers who just joined re­cent­ly, I'm not at lib­er­ty to dis­close them, but you will find out in due course, which we re­al­ly feel will make the dif­fer­ence."

De­spite keep­ing his cards close to his chest about the names of the oth­er par­ties set to join the al­liance, Guardian Me­dia has been re­li­ably in­formed that the Pa­tri­ot­ic Front head­ed by Mick­ela Pan­day will not be part of the as­so­ci­a­tion.

Last May, Pan­day, opened nom­i­na­tions to po­ten­tial can­di­dates to con­test the 41 con­stituen­cies in the 2025 gen­er­al elec­tion. The dead­line date for sub­mis­sions was sched­uled for Jan­u­ary 13.

Leader of the NTA, Gary Grif­fith, main­tained that a third-par­ty force can­not be down­played in this year's gen­er­al elec­tion.

"As we move along, that bridge con­stituen­cy con­tin­ues to in­crease and the rea­son be­ing is that young peo­ple based on so­cial me­dia are not be­ing brain­washed from the days 30, 40 years ago where par­ents will tell their chil­dren this is a PNM or UNC house and you have to vote and ad­here and join the PNM or UNC. That is why that bridge con­stituen­cy con­tin­ues to ex­pand."

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