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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Iran’s president says country ready to share oil, gas experience with T&T


1113 days ago
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley meets with Iranian President Ayatollah Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi in Doha, Qatar, on Monday.

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley meets with Iranian President Ayatollah Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi in Doha, Qatar, on Monday.

Iran’s Pres­i­dent Ay­a­tol­lah Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi has told Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley that his coun­try is ready to ex­change ex­pe­ri­ences in oil and gas ex­plo­ration with T&T, while prais­ing what he deemed the in­de­pen­dence of Latin Amer­i­can coun­tries against “op­pres­sion of im­pe­ri­al­ist coun­tries”.

Dr Row­ley met with the Iran­ian pres­i­dent on Mon­day at the Sixth Sum­mit of the Gas Ex­port­ing Coun­tries in Do­ha, Qatar.

“The Is­lam­ic Re­pub­lic of Iran has al­ways sup­port­ed the free­dom-seek­ing and in­de­pen­dence-seek­ing de­mands of all the na­tions of the world against the op­pres­sion of im­pe­ri­al­ist coun­tries,” Raisi told Dr Row­ley, ac­cord­ing to an ar­ti­cle pub­lished by the of­fi­cial web­site of the Iran­ian gov­ern­ment.

It said the pres­i­dent ex­pressed Iran’s in­ter­est in ex­pand­ing re­la­tions with Trinidad and To­ba­go, es­pe­cial­ly in the field of ex­ploita­tion of oil and gas re­sources.

The Pres­i­dent added, “At a time when the en­e­my want­ed to shut down Iran’s oil in­dus­try by im­pos­ing sanc­tions and pres­sure, the Min­istry of Oil and Iran­ian oil and gas sec­tor ac­tors were able to achieve a high lev­el of tech­ni­cal knowl­edge and ca­pa­bil­i­ties de­spite the en­e­my’s wish­es, which re­sults in the growth of our coun­try’s oil and gas in­dus­try.”

He said the Is­lam­ic Re­pub­lic stands ready to ex­change its ex­pe­ri­ences with Trinidad and To­ba­go.

“The Is­lam­ic Re­pub­lic of Iran, es­pe­cial­ly dur­ing the 13th gov­ern­ment, has a spe­cial pro­gramme to ex­pand eco­nom­ic and po­lit­i­cal re­la­tions and in­ter­ac­tions with all coun­tries, in­clud­ing Latin Amer­i­ca. In this re­gard, we are in­ter­est­ed in im­prov­ing the lev­el of our re­la­tions with your coun­try,” Raisi said.

The ar­ti­cle re­ferred to the re­marks by Dr Row­ley about T&T’s tech­ni­cal and trade in­ter­ac­tions and co­op­er­a­tion be­ing af­fect­ed by US sanc­tions against oth­er Latin Amer­i­can coun­tries.

“This is ev­i­dence of US op­pres­sion and im­pe­ri­al­ism, which in­cludes coun­tries with whom they have nor­mal re­la­tions with,” Raisi said.

It goes on to quote Dr Row­ley as say­ing that “Trinidad and To­ba­go seeks to ex­pand its co­op­er­a­tion and re­la­tions with the Is­lam­ic Re­pub­lic of Iran, like Venezuela and Cu­ba.”

“We are in­ter­est­ed in ben­e­fit­ing from Iran’s ex­pe­ri­ence and ca­pa­bil­i­ties in the field of oil and gas,” the ar­ti­cle added.

Dr Row­ley was due to host a news con­fer­ence on his re­turn from Qatar yes­ter­day but was the Of­fice the Prime Min­is­ter an­nounced that his flight was de­layed “in­def­i­nite­ly” in St Lu­cia.


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