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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

ITCZ brings floods, landslides


Kalaina Hosein
1937 days ago

In­tense show­ers and thun­der­storms be­gan across 5.00am Wednes­day morn­ing across parts of Cen­tral and East­ern To­ba­go, with the Ad­verse Weath­er Alert (Yel­low Lev­el) go­ing in­to ef­fect at 6.00am on Wednes­day.

Though some ear­ly to mid-morn­ing sun­shine may have lulled some Trinida­di­ans in­to think­ing the ad­verse weath­er would not ma­te­ri­al­ize, by the late morn­ing, thun­der­storms be­gan across the is­land.

To­ba­go’s flood­ing and land­slides

Ac­cord­ing to re­ports from the To­ba­go Emer­gency Man­age­ment Agency (TEMA), var­i­ous re­ports of in­ci­dents have been re­port­ed in vil­lages around To­ba­go main­ly Mo­ri­ah, Ma­son Hall, Run­nemede and ar­eas on North­side Road.

A land­slide oc­curred at Broad Road, Mo­ri­ah on the North­side Road, which has com­plete­ly blocked and ren­dered the road­way im­pass­able Wednes­day morn­ing. It was sub­se­quent­ly cleared by To­ba­go’s Di­vi­sion of In­fra­struc­ture, Quar­ries, and En­vi­ron­ment (DIQE).

An­oth­er land­slide se­vere­ly dam­aged a home at the La­dy Smith Road, Mo­ri­ah, To­ba­go.

Flash flood­ing was al­so re­port­ed across Mo­ri­ah, in the vicin­i­ty of Paige Gul­ly.

Flood­ing across South­ern, West­ern Trinidad

In­tense thun­der­storms de­vel­oped across South Trinidad dur­ing the late morn­ing in­to the af­ter­noon yes­ter­day and slow­ly moved to­wards the north­west.

Heavy rain­fall caused flood­ing in Gas­par­il­lo, Union Hall, Tarou­ba, and en­vi­rons.

Im­ages cir­cu­lat­ed of a flood­ed Bri­an Lara Crick­et Acad­e­my and Sta­di­um’s field on so­cial me­dia.

Due to staff work­ing prompt­ly, the field was ex­pe­di­ent­ly drained but re­mained sat­u­rat­ed.

Street flood­ing was al­so re­port­ed along Jern­ing­ham Rail­way Road, Cunu­pia as well as parts of Long­denville and Ch­agua­nas in West-Cen­tral Trinidad.

The usu­al flood-prone ar­eas of Port of Spain were not spared, with street flood­ing along St Vin­cent Street, In­de­pen­dence Square and Ari­api­ta Av­enue and en­vi­rons as of Wednes­day af­ter­noon.

Ad­verse weath­er alert con­tin­ues

The Ad­verse Weath­er Alert (Yel­low Lev­el) from the Trinidad and To­ba­go Me­te­o­ro­log­i­cal Ser­vice con­tin­ues through 6.00pm to­day, as pe­ri­ods of show­ers and thun­der­storms are fore­cast to af­fect both is­lands. This ac­tiv­i­ty is due to the In­tertrop­i­cal Con­ver­gence Zone re­main­ing across the re­gion.

Street and flash flood­ing are pos­si­ble in heavy show­ers and thun­der­storms. Fre­quent light­ning is al­so pos­si­ble, ca­pa­ble of caus­ing lo­cal­ized pow­er out­ages.

Land­slides in el­e­vat­ed ar­eas are pos­si­ble due to sat­u­rat­ed soils. Gusty winds may ac­com­pa­ny in­tense show­ers or thun­der­storms, ca­pa­ble of down­ing trees and pow­er lines.

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