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Friday, March 28, 2025

Juteram—New head of Sangre Grande Corporation


1927 days ago
Destra Bascombe, permanent secretary, Ministry of Rural Development and Local Development with Anil Juteram, the new chairman of the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation and newly sworn-in councillors.

Destra Bascombe, permanent secretary, Ministry of Rural Development and Local Development with Anil Juteram, the new chairman of the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation and newly sworn-in councillors.


New­ly elect­ed chair­man of the San­gre Grande Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion (SGRC) Anil Juter­am has promised to heed the ad­vice of his PNM pre­de­ces­sor Ter­ry Ron­don and not be tempt­ed by con­trac­tors who of­fer cash and bribes in ex­change for lu­cra­tive con­tracts. Ron­don gave the ad­vice yes­ter­day in his farewell speech as out­go­ing chair­man of the now UNC-con­trolled cor­po­ra­tion.

The UNC won the mar­gin­al SGRC with five seats to the PNM’s three in the De­cem­ber 2 Lo­cal Gov­ern­ment Elec­tion. Ron­don served as chair­man of the cor­po­ra­tion for six years.

At yes­ter­day’s cer­e­mo­ny four al­der­men were sworn in—PNM’s Roger Munroe, Danielle Mar­shall-Piper, UNC’s Keon An­ton Sa­roops­ingh and Su­san Stephanie-Hold­er. Ken­wyn Phillip, Coun­cil­lor for Man­zanil­la/Fish­ing Pond, was se­lect­ed as vice-chair­man.

The swear­ing-in cer­e­mo­ny was wit­nessed by UNC’s Pe­ter Kan­hai and Cu­mu­to/Man­zanil­la MP Chris­tine Newal­lo-Ho­sein. Ab­sent were PNM’s To­co/San­gre Grande MP Glen­da Jen­nings-Smith, PNM’s cam­paign man­ag­er Ro­han Sinanan who can­vassed in the dis­trict for the LGE and Min­is­ter of Rur­al De­vel­op­ment and Lo­cal Gov­ern­ment Kaz­im Ho­sein.

As he sur­ren­dered his may­oral chain, Ron­don, who re­tained his Va­len­cia East/To­co seat, ad­vised the new coun­cil to de­sist from pulling and tug­ging.

“It’s no time for bick­er­ing. It’s time to work. Stop the cussing. Politi­cians have no right to be in hus­band and wife busi­ness,” he said

Dur­ing the elec­tion, Ron­don com­plained that his name had been sul­lied by his ri­vals.

“On the po­lit­i­cal plat­form they say all kind of things but I for­gave them. I say, Fa­ther, for­give them, for they know not what they do,” he said.

He promised to work with the UNC and Juter­am said he had no in­ten­tion of sab­o­tag­ing the coun­cil for po­lit­i­cal gain.

“Don’t ex­pect me to come here and un­der­mine any­body. I al­ways say this choos­ing of who you want to serve does not auger well for any politi­cian. You are the peo­ple’s coun­cil­lors. You have to be kind, re­spect­ful and cour­te­ous. Turn no one away,” Ron­don ad­vised

He said the job of a coun­cil­lor is tempt­ing as “con­trac­tors come to you with all sorts of mon­ey, ex­cuse and bad talk the oth­er con­trac­tor. Let they take you but not your name. Be very care­ful. Don’t com­pro­mise your in­tegri­ty at all.”

Ron­don al­so told the coun­cil­lors to avoid dri­ving in­to elec­toral dis­tricts with their car win­dows up.

“Keep on the ground with the peo­ple,” he urged, adding that the ob­jec­tive should be about serv­ing the peo­ple and de­liv­er­ing to their needs.

“If I catch (any­body) in po­lit­i­cal in­ter­fer­ence in what I am about to do...any par­ty pol­i­tics, I done. Not one of you will say I show all yuh par­ty pol­i­tics,” he said

In an in­ter­view with Guardian Me­dia fol­low­ing the cer­e­mo­ny, Ron­don ad­vised Juter­am that his task would not be easy to carve a name for him­self in car­ry­ing out his re­spon­si­bil­i­ties.

Juter­am said his aim is to have a unit­ed coun­cil “and to hit the ground run­ning in the in­ter­est of work­ing for the peo­ple.” He promised to tack­le ar­eas that have been ne­glect­ed and said he would heed Ron­don’s con­struc­tive ad­vice.

“One of the rea­son why we (UNC) is stand­ing here is be­cause we have lis­tened to the peo­ple,” Juter­am said.

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