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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Kamla, Vasant’s teams claim irregularities


1567 days ago
Voters wait to enter the Aranguez Community Centre to cast their votes in the UNC internal elections yesterday.

Voters wait to enter the Aranguez Community Centre to cast their votes in the UNC internal elections yesterday.


Com­plaints of prob­lems in yes­ter­day’s UNC in­ter­nal elec­tion came from both in­cum­bent Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar’s Star team and chal­lenger Vas­ant Bharath’s Lo­tus team.

Dr John Bharath, fa­ther of chal­lenger Vas­ant Bharath, said he was un­able to vote as his name wasn’t on the vot­ing list.

Agri­cul­tur­al So­ci­ety head Dhanoo Sookoo al­so queried why her name wasn’t on the vot­ing list. She was re­cent­ly screened by the PNM among To­co/San­gre Grande gen­er­al elec­tion nom­i­nees and was re­ject­ed. Her prob­lem yes­ter­day was brought to Guardian Me­dia’s at­ten­tion by Bharath’s camp.

Long lines of vot­ers were re­port­ed at the UNC’s 78 polling sta­tions from 8 am.

UNC elec­tions chair­man Ramesh Per­sad-Ma­haraj said there was a “fair­ly strong” turnout.

He con­firmed can­vass­ing was the main prob­lem note yes­ter­day and peo­ple gen­er­al­ly, who vi­o­lat­ed rules were be­ing warned. He said can­vass­ing wasn’t al­lowed by any can­di­date or team since it was an ac­cept­ed norm that this wasn’t done on an elec­tion day. He con­firmed Bharath’s team was warned against can­vass­ing, in­clud­ing on the ra­dio.

Ahead of yes­ter­day’s vot­ing, prob­lems arose since last Sat­ur­day af­ter a fake let­ter to mem­bers was cir­cu­lat­ed on so­cial me­dia that day er­ro­neous­ly claim­ing in­cum­bent leader Per­sad-Bisses­sar was sup­port­ing chal­lenger Bharath and an ac­com­mo­da­tion had been reached. The fake doc­u­ment was on a UNC let­ter­head.

Voters check for their names at the Couva South Mock Station opposite the Exchange Presbyterian School.

Voters check for their names at the Couva South Mock Station opposite the Exchange Presbyterian School.


Per­sad-Bisses­sar’s team is­sued a de­nial that night—and she em­pha­sised it yes­ter­day.

She said the let­ter was com­plete­ly fake and ap­peared “to be cre­at­ed” by per­sons at­tempt­ing to con­fuse yes­ter­day’s vot­ers.

Per­sad-Bisses­sar added there was no ac­com­mo­da­tion and “This let­ter is noth­ing more than a last-minute dis­trac­tion meant to cre­ate anx­i­ety in the minds of our mem­bers in the hopes Mr Bharath might gain a few more votes.”

MP Dave Tan­coo who was on her slate, re­lat­ed an in­ci­dent at the Aranguez polling sta­tion where Bharath was warned by Per­sad-Bisses­sar’s team that he couldn’t wear a jer­sey with his sym­bol since he was cam­paign­ing.

Tan­coo claimed Lo­tus team can­di­dates, Lar­ry Lal­la, Ja­son Pe­ru, Ra­mona Ram­di­al and Kami­ni Ram­raj over­stayed the ten-minute pe­ri­od that can­di­dates were al­lowed to be in polling sta­tions.

Tan­coo who said can­vass­ing was al­so done by mi­cro­phones, ac­cused op­po­nents of us­ing “a dis­gust­ing dis­play of tac­tics”.

Guardian Me­dia was told Sookoo’s name wasn’t on the vot­ing list as she didn’t meet UNC con­sti­tu­tion cri­te­ria since she was re­cent­ly screened by PNM.

Bharath said there were many ir­reg­u­lar­i­ties.

“We have re­ports 15 peo­ple who were al­lowed to vote and their names weren’t on the vot­ers’ list. Peo­ple called po­lice to try to re­move our can­di­date’s car from the car park in Lengua.”

His team is­sued a video of his fa­ther Dr John Bharath, for­mer St Au­gus­tine MP, say­ing his name wasn’t on the vot­ing life where he usu­al­ly vot­ed at Tu­na­puna Hin­du school though he was a life­time mem­ber, hold­ing card 0001. He said he as­sumed his card was the first UNC had is­sued.

Dr Bharath said an of­fi­cial at UNC’s head of­fice apolo­get­i­cal­ly told him his name wasn’t on the list of those record­ed as life­time mem­bers. Bharath said he was al­so told at El Do­ra­do vot­ing sta­tion that his name wasn’t on the list.

Team Lotus leader Vasant Bharat speaks with Guardian Media.

Team Lotus leader Vasant Bharat speaks with Guardian Media.


On the al­ter­ca­tion at Aranguez polling sta­tion, chal­lenger Bharath re­spond­ed, “The elec­tion rules don’t state that peo­ple can’t can­vass or cam­paign or wear their jer­seys to­day and we’re abid­ing by the rules.”

He slammed “gut­ter pol­i­tics by peo­ple in­clud­ing coun­cil­lors” who’d com­plained.

Bharath said the “fake” let­ter cir­cu­lat­ed last Sat­ur­day wasn’t is­sued by him or his team, “We know our op­po­nents made ‘ad­min­is­tra­tive er­rors’ in the past. We trust this wasn’t an­oth­er such in­stance on their part. We con­demn vile ac­tions from those try­ing to tar­nish our cam­paign.”

De­vant Ma­haraj claimed MPs Van­dana Mo­hit and Michelle Ben­jamin were evict­ed from sta­tions since they had no au­tho­ri­sa­tion let­ters to be there.

At 5 pm Ma­haraj who said vot­er turnout was low, added, many didn’t get to vote—in­clud­ing Dr Bharat Bas­saw, who was told his name wasn’t on the list.

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