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Friday, March 14, 2025

Kidnapping, robbery with violence in Marabella


Ryan Bachoo
710 days ago

Ryan Ba­choo

A man who was at­tempt­ing to con­duct a trans­ac­tion for a mo­tor ve­hi­cle was forced to jump out of a mov­ing car af­ter be­com­ing the vic­tim of a kid­nap­ping and rob­bery with vi­o­lence in Mara­bel­la.

A po­lice re­port said around 12:45 pm on Mon­day, the vic­tim was in the com­pa­ny of a friend in Rio Claro and was head­ed Mara­bel­la in or­der to sell a ve­hi­cle.

Pri­or to reach­ing the lo­ca­tion in the vicin­i­ty of the cor­ner of New Heav­ens Street and Ram­samooj Street, Mara­bel­la the vic­tim picked up the sus­pect. Up­on reach­ing Ram­samooj Street, Mara­bel­la, the vic­tim to­geth­er and his friend ex­it­ed the ve­hi­cle and pro­ceed­ed along a track off the said road­way where they were ac­cost­ed by two male in­di­vid­u­als. The sus­pects then car­ried them back to the ve­hi­cle rob­bing them of $5100.

The sus­pects then took the vic­tim against his will and or­dered him to dri­ve the ve­hi­cle and up­on reach­ing Burg­er King which is lo­cat­ed along South­ern Main Road, Mara­bel­la the sus­pects or­dered the vic­tim to make a U-Turn at the men­tioned es­tab­lish­ment.

While do­ing so, the vic­tim alight­ed from the said ve­hi­cle and made good his es­cape leav­ing the said ve­hi­cle in mo­tion caus­ing it to col­lide with an­oth­er ve­hi­cle along South­ern Main Road, Mara­bel­la. The sus­pects es­caped on foot pro­ceed­ing north along South­ern Main Road Mara­bel­la.

Po­lice are yet to de­tain any­one in this mat­ter.


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